Wirearchy (Replacing The Hierarchy of Knowledge and Work)

in anarchy •  9 years ago  (edited)

 Wirearchy is a new system of Hierarchy or better defined as a breakdown of Hierarchy that has occurred since the coming of the Information Age. Previously the Government and Central Churches had the most access to information, but now anyone can pretty much access any information at any time. This has caused a shift where what used to be the Elite which was wealthy and better studied classes in society, to become part of a Flat Organization. This has not happened all over the world yet, but in many places the institutions no longer hold social power over the people due to their separation from sources of knowledge.

Not long ago, most people would spend their whole lives without going more than 100 miles from where they lived. Since the invention of cars and planes in the past 110 years, people have begun to travel much more than they used to, and can get places faster. And the internet has brought the world even closer together, that is the Wirearchy. 

And from this has arisen things like Google, which everyone has to refer themselves to to get URLs. So Google is kind of a central point in the decentralized Wirearchy. And sites like Steemit or Facebook offer a place for people to find like minded people and share things, so they have become a central point in the decentralized Wirearchy.

There are also sites like Myspace which has become a central place for Music, then Forums, Wikipedia, Youtube and all kinds of things. But they are all part of a Flat Organization overall, they have just created little mountains and mounds that people can choose to be a part of within the overall flat organization.

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Definitely will vote for network if steemit have a poll option.

Dude, you come up with that? Nice name and idea!

Very interesting concept

Great post.