Law v. Legislation

in anarchy •  6 years ago 

Every Piece Of Legislation Ever Written Falls Into One Of Two Categories, 

Illegitimate Or Redundant 

First, definitions 

Legislation:  the exercise of the power and function of making rules that have the force of authority by virtue of their promulgation by an official organ of a state or other organization

Law: a statement of an order or relation of phenomena that so far as is known is invariable under the given conditions

In plain speak, legislation is mans law, scribbles on paper, enforced with violence, with the intent of protecting the power differential that creates the master/slave social dynamic. 

Law, on the other hand, is an immutable condition of nature.  It is not to be enforced, only understood.  The better we understand it, the more peace and order we manifest in our reality.  Gravity is a law, for example.  If we don’t understand gravity, we would fall down a lot.  Life would be very chaotic.  A good understanding of the law of gravity has allowed us to create all manner of flying machines.  This principle applies to all laws.  

For brevity’s sake, I will not get into a full description of Natural Law, but I will use some examples.  There are instances where legislation and natural law overlap.  Murder, for example is both a violation of natural law and mans law.  This is where legislation becomes redundant.  Everyone naturally understands that murder is bad.  We don’t need anyone to tell us that, or write it down for it to be true.  When people commit murder, they manifest chaos in their reality, just as one who doesn’t understand gravity manifests chaos in their reality. 

There is a lot more legislation than there is law, though.  For example, some men have decided that certain plants are unacceptable for consumption in society.  They have written it down that they will use violence to prevent and punish other people for consuming these plants.  This is where legislation becomes illegitimate.  No person, or group of people have the legitimate right to initiate violence on anyone else.  This illegitimate form of legislation is actually a violation of natural law and manifests as chaos in our reality.  

All legislation falls into one of these two categories.  Either it is compatible with natural law and therefore redundant, as natural law requires no enforcement, or it is illegitimate, in violation of natural law and manifests as chaos in our reality.  Either way, legislation is unnecessary and harmful to the forward progress of humanity.  The more people that understand this, and understand natural law, the more peace, and order we will collectively manifest.

No masters.  No slaves.  ✌🏼

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