Vegan Anarchy (Part II) The Non-Aggression Principle applied to animals

in anarchy •  8 years ago 

My first post on Steemit was a brief introduction to veganism and anarchy, and how both philosophies, in theory, are almost identical. I argued that we ought to extend our philosophy of freedom -- no masters, no rulers -- to the animal kingdom, and in this post, I'm going to explain why. 

The Non-Aggression Principle

It all boils down to the non-aggression principle, an ideology -- no, a truth -- that most anarchists are already very familiar with. 

The application of the non-aggression principle is simple: Do not initiate violence against others that have not initiated violence against you. 'Others', I would argue, also include our non-human neighbors. If an animal has caused you no harm, why violate the non-aggression principle to satisfy your sense of taste and smell?

Every time you sit down to eat a steak, KFC bucket or bacon sandwich, you are violating the non-aggression principle and engaging in a behavior that goes directly against your moral values. The non-aggression principle is violated, in the most obscene of ways, every time you decide to eat meat or purchase dairy products.

Cows, pigs, chickens, goats and other creatures that have caused us absolutely no harm whatsoever, are tortured and murdered simply to fulfil our hedonistic pleasures. If we look at this issue objectively, we will see that not only does it contradict our core values, but it is also psychotic.

The tyrants at the top, who violate our rights on a daily basis, do so because their lust for power and control outweighs any sense of decency they have left. When we, as supposed beings of conscience, purchase meat from the supermarket, we are valuing our temporary pleasure -- derived from taste and smell -- over the life of another sentient being. Not only is this a gross violation of the non-aggression principle, but it is also fucking insane.

Milk, Cheese, and Torture

Many people, including myself, ignorantly assumed that there was no harm in drinking milk and eating cheese. I soon realized, however, that this couldn't be further from the truth.

Every single living female animal on this planet, including humans, produce milk to feed their offspring. They ONLY produce milk when they are pregnant; cows don't just magically produce milk, as surprising numbers of people still believe. 

In order to take -- steal -- the milk from cows, we rip the calf away from its mother (remember, milk is only produced to feed babies, not adult humans) and send it off to slaughter, or, if it's a female calf, it will suffer a similar fate to its mother. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the cows are artificially inseminated with bull sperm, or in other words, raped, to produce the milk in the first place.

If we, again, look at this issue objectively, we will see that not only does it make a mockery of the non-aggression principle, but it is also a form of torture. No baby, of any form, should be ripped away from its mother to satisfy the taste buds of a 'superior' species.

I hope that, after reading this post, you will become more open to extending the non-aggression principle to animals. They are every bit as sentient as us, and they deserve to live a life free from human rulers.

Thanks for reading,


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Right on bro.

Be a "vegan anarchist". Truth is ONE way. Go ALL the way. Freedom for ALL, no more human-imposed enslavement across the board! Moral Truth is the real "capital" and currency in life. Peace.


Love the pic!

Nice write up man. Many people aren't ready yet for the message of truth that animals are also autonomous and sentient beings with inherent rights.

I wrote an article talking about non-humans and whether or not they logically possess the same inherent rights that humans do or not.

Check it out:

Great article bro look forward to read more from you @mckeever


i just upvoted your post , please upvote mine im trying to attract the gaming community to steemit , and you might win the game key

Thanks. Fellow gamer here - upvoted.

Should we punish the bear when it catches a salmon? The hawk when it snatches a lizard? Certainly this article is well done and has provoked many thoughts, but the bit on the NAP applying to animals could use more explaining. If there was no inter-sentient-species aggression, wouldn't the food chain have capped off at snails and minnows? I understand that vegan diets could be legitimate for the world population, and I find no need to argue the "what about agressing plants" type position because I find that most definitely ridiculous, but where is the line drawn for things like insects? If you could point toward some literature on the subject, it would be greatly appreciated.

The responsibility of choosing right action over wrong action doesn't lie at the victim but at the oppressor. We have a higher level of consciousness compared to an animal which means that the NAP is in our hands, not the animal. Let's say we have a brain damaged patient that does not understand right and wrong, is it suddenly ok for us that do understand the NAP to treat the brain damaged patient violently just because he/she doesn't understand right and wrong? No, the moral culpability always lies in the hands of the one that commits the action that also inhibits the level of consciousness necessary to understand right and wrong.

One could then ask "well if my moral compass of right and wrong is false, is I exempted then?" No you are not, like I said, the moral culpability lies in the hands of the one that commits the action that also inhibits the level of consciousness necessary to understand right and wrong which pretty much every single human being is. Well except those that got some serious brain damage or something. :D

@johnblaid Very well put!

@tommyboyle I should have clarified in the article; I was referring to the NAP in regard to humans (beings of conscience) and animals. The animals do not operate on the same level of consciousness as us; they are incapable of intellectualizing the NAP because they are driven by instinct and survival. A bear does not eat a fish for pleasure or for greed, it does so for survival. Same with the Hawk, Lion, and other predators. We, as beings of an evolved intellectual capacity, have the free will every time we step into a supermarket to purchase a product that does not involve the suffering of animals. We do not need to eat meat to survive, however, we still choose to do so for selfish reasons - taste, smell, pleasure. I'd highly recommend the documentary Earthlings, which you can find on YouTube, to shed some more light on the way we treat animals for our own pleasure.

i found you because i have a similar mission and have been trying to find the argument from logic and reason to promote veganism among my anarchist friends and anarchy among my vegan friends! sharing this with larken rose <3 #veganarchy

Thanks @veganarchydoll, please do share!

I just found your articles on this subject right now. Well done! It's very encouraging to meet other vegan anarchists like myself who apply the NAP consistently. This is a hugely important topic to me and I hope that more anarchists make the connection as we continue to spread the message.

Thank you @tmendieta Followed.

No problem... cool!

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I'm speaking about this very topic at Anarchapulco in a few weeks. Appreciate the article. You stated the case very nicely. Great to connect. Will you be at Anarchapulco 2019?