How I Became an Anarchist

in anarchy •  8 years ago  (edited)

WARNING: If you read this, you may show a desire to disobey orders and resist authority.

To be honest, I think I've always been an anarchist, I just didn't know what it was called.

Here's my story

At a very young age, I refused to obey authority. After school, I spent a lot of time in detention where I could be properly punished for my crimes. Mostly, this just gave me time to think. Critical thinking is discouraged in school. School teaches collective group think and repetition. Repeat after me... blah blah blah.

Let's be honest. School is basically a minimum security prison for kids.

I clearly remember the day I stopped saluting the flag during the "pledge of allegiance". It was the 4th grade and all the other kids just stared at me. It was like a light-bulb went off in my head. "Why am I saluting an inanimate object. The flag cannot hear my pledge... this is stupid." So after that, I just stood their with my hands at my sides. Today, I would sit down or leave the room. Back then all I could handle was putting my hands down.

Time for Dating

At age 15, I wanted the freedom that comes with driving a car... so, I got a job working at local Burger King for $3.15 and hour. I worked my ass off at that Burger King. (10-hour shifts on the weekends) I must have cooked at-least 10,000 hamburgers in the 6-months I worked there.

Do you remember the first time you looked at your first paycheck? Well... I sure as Hell do! "Mom... Dad... these Assholes ripped me off!!".... My Dad laughed. "Son... Ha ha ha... the government takes your money before you can see it or even touch it. Sneaky huh?"

Anyway back to BK... When the manager on duty gave me an order I didn't like... I quit. I guess today they call it "rage quit". To get back home, I had to walk 8 miles through the woods in the dark. Really... no joke.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Modern medicine has now come up with a diagnosis for my "way-of-thinking". It's called oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Let me assure you, I am extremely ODD... as you should be also.

Physicians define ODD as a pattern of disobedient, rebellious, and defiant behavior directed toward authority figures. Symptoms include: Being stubborn, vindictive, and argumentative toward people in authority.

WARNING: People with ODD show a desire to resist mind-control and authority. You may feel the need to refuse to obey orders given by authority figures.

When people in authority give me an order...

  1. My fist reaction is "FUCK OFF!!!"
  2. My second reaction is "Who does this Mother Fucker think he is???"

"I have no ruler. You can't give me an order. You're not the boss of me. I own myself. I own my thoughts. I am a free-thinking individual. I will disobey any of your commands. Go away!!"

Time to Get Angry

Do you know why nothing happened after Edward Snowden revealed XKEYSCORE and the PRISM surveillance program to the public? Because nobody got angry.

"You've got to get mad!! You've got to say, I'm a human being! God damn it, My life has value!... I'm as mad as HELL and I'm not going to take it anymore!!"
~ Howard Beale, Network (1976)

When you're oppressed and subjugated you're supposed to get angry! Universal Apathy is the problem here!!

"Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt."
~ Juvenal

Let's update this for today's American audience...

"Give them food stamps and football and they will never revolt."

Are these zombies ever going to get mad???

They shoot JFK... they kill thousands of their own people on 9/11... they record all of our conversations... track all our movements... and extort half of our hard earned labor (like slaves) before we even see it. WTF is wrong with everybody? Wake the FUCK UP!

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
~ Edward R Murrow

Thank God for people like Jeff Berwick, Stefan Molyneux and Larken Rose. These few courageous humans gave me the little push I needed to start getting active in the anarchism movement.

Our numbers are growing... We are legion!!

I hope to see our numbers grow even further! STEEM on fellow Anarchists!

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Michael Matthews
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"School is basically a minimum security prison for kids."
Only that the inmates don't go to class I think...

"I clearly remember the day I stopped saluting the flag during the 'pledge of allegiance'."

I'm curious, do they still make you do this in American schools? As a European, it just sounds so bizarre to me. Reminds me of the Nazis... really does!

We are definitely ODD. Great post!

Keep working, stop paying.

I can relate to this. I am an anarchist, and I didn't know I was until someone pointed it out. Since then, I have been engaged in this topic, and hope to continue to do so. Thanks for posting this!