Living the dream! Anarchy realized!

in anarchy •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hello to all you lovely Steemit users! Your changing the world for the better! Keep it up!
Yes, I'm new here, one more credit to Jeff Berwick @dollarvigilante. Here's my attempt at an intro.

What a difference a few days make when your on the cutting edge of the Anarchist community. Just a few days ago I was entirely unaware of Steemit. Currently, I'm living out the dream in the capital of the Ancap world... Acapulco. It wasn't that long ago I was completely oblivious to Anarchy. This is where I'll begin my story.

I was a successful talented construction project manager working for a well known A&E/design build firm. Happily devoting 10-15 hours a day to my "career". When I added in travel time to and from job sites and the offices, I didn't have allot of free time. Luckily for me, I was fired (I chose to be fired so I could collect unemployment for the first time in my life). My home was in Florida, my office was in Atlanta and my project was in Los Angeles. For a year I had been flying between the three about every other week and after a year of that, I was pretty much burnt out. So I returned home and, for the first time since leaving for the Army at 17, I looked forward to not having anything to do the next day. I spent a few days/weeks playing video games, watching TV, goofing off, etc.. but it wasn't long until I was looking for something meaningful to do.

It wasn't long after that I stumbled upon Ron Paul responding to Rudi Giuliani in the early Republican Presidential debates in 2007. The courage Ron Paul showed to stand up to the 'hero of 9/11' and speak honestly caught my attention. Fast forward a few months after that, my brother and I were broadcasting a show called 'The Fireteam for Freedom; The Mike and Jake Show' on Ron Paul Radio across the internet. I learned a great deal from my audience, our guests, trips to Washington DC and the RNC in Minneapolis/St.Paul over the next year about many things. Heroes like Abe Lincoln came crashing down. I found out I was a "libertarian".

After the 2008 election, I was convinced the USA was not headed in the right direction. I decided to travel the world looking for a better place to call home but was unsuccessful in finding a community anywhere that embraced my ideals. So after a year or so of doing that I returned to Florida and decided to "fix it from within". I got involved in local politics and figured I'd work on changing one issue I thought would be an easy start. Removing fluoride from the drinking water. Three years later, I had an education in local politics but the fluoride was still there.

In 2013, I happened to hear about a new development in Chile, Galt's Gulch. I had read several of Ayn Rand's books so I was familiar with the idea. I took the trip. I met many enlightened folks in Chile but with my experience in construction and development I was uneasy about the project. This was confirmed when I asked Jordan Page what he thought. He whispered in my ear "I think it's a scam." I returned to the USA again, disheartened.

In 2014, I saw Jeff Berwick on a program announce plans for what he called "Anarchapulco". I was still looking for that community of like minded people and thought to myself, this just might be the opportunity. So, in February 2015 with three suitcases and my girlfriend, we arrived in Acapulco and haven't looked back since. After meeting many of those who travel to the first event, we decided to stay. With those who stuck around and many more who have made the trip since, we've built ourselves a rather robust community of very intelligent enlightened people who make a difference in the world everyday. I've learned so much since deciding to call Acapulco home. I can't even describe the joy I've felt since and most importantly, I've found a group of people I love to be around. The second Anarchapulco was a testament to the capability of the people here. It blew away 2015. And I'm confident Anarchapulco 2017 is going to be even better. So I invite the readers to join me! It's a blast! I'm not one who concerns myself with titles, especially one's that most find confusing but with the people here in Acapulco, if this is Anarchy, I'm in!

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Steemit is Anarchy. It's the uncensored decentralized online freedom of speech platform. I just fear the politicians will try to "legislate" it...

I don't disagree with you. They may try... that's why the faster we grow, the better our chances!

Hey, neighbor! ;-) Is this fun or what, @mikeonfire?

Yes indeed!

Welcome to Steemit Mike! So happy to see the community growing so much, such a great platform to get the message of anarchy to some folks that normally may not see it.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Welcome!! Greets from Berlin, sorry for the late upvote! Thanks Anarchapulco for finally making me look forward to the month of february :D

Good to see you here. Nice intro!

Awesome Mike! Great to hear your story, and learn more about you. Can't wait to hang with you again in Aca next year.

I'm looking forward to it as well!

Congratulations and welcome to Steem.

Lasse Ehlers

Thanks. Looking forward to much more!

See you at Anarchapulco!

Looking forward to it! We'll be hosting another pre-party and post-party. You're invited to both!

@mikeonfire I'd love to make a bunch more food for your party(ies) this year :-)

Awesome man! As good as last years was, we want to take it up another notch!