Why do I despise cops? Let me tell you...

in anarchy •  6 years ago 

So I just left the corner store where I've been shopping for over 20 years. Where my entire family spends thousands on gasoline and sundries every year. Where I just purchased a $7 pack of smokes and some coffee. I decided to sit out front and enjoy one of those ridiculously expensive cigarettes (the price is mostly tax) and the beautiful Sunday morning before returning to the work waiting for me at the farm.
Immediately a fucking bored pig rolls up, and eyeballs me before exiting his vehicle and asks what I'm doing.

I looked him dead in his dumbass face and said "seriously dude, what does it look like? I'm smoking a cigarette."

"no need for attitude SON."

Son? SON? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm older than this asshole by at least 10 years. I was just about to engage when I remembered that I'm in alabama (home of Jeff Sessions and the reddest, fattest state in the union) and that I have dreadlocks, tattoos, an unconventional hat, Chaco sandals (the perfect shoes for any occasion btw) and use words too big for most of these fucks to understand and he will likely take anything I say as a threat and shoot me. Then he'll be hailed as a hero for taking one more hippy commie socialist out of the gene pool (I'm none of those things).

I took out my phone to record this unnecessary interaction while asking for his name and badge number. He apparently didn't hear me because he got back in his vehicle and drove away like the bitch motherfucker he is. Probably to go and extort some money out of some other poor sap that can't afford to fix their brake light or whatever.

These fucking Dicks are too big for their britches and I for one am fucking sick of it. They have most Americans so trained that they not only cower in the face of the least bit of intimidation, they actually are so subdued and brainwashed that they thank the pig motherfuckers for their service.

You poor brainwashed assholes. WAKE THE FUCK UP AND SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! Don't let this, the largest organized crime unit in history, take advantage of and intimidate you. They are supposed to be public servants. They are supposed to serve and protect. But every time one of us cowtows and allows a motherfucker to rule the moment they win a little more power and it becomes that much harder for we the people to win back what was and is ours by rights.

Fuck that guy, fuck his mom for raising him wrong, fuck the system that allows him and others like him to ruin my peaceful Sunday morning. And FUCK YOU if you think it's OK.

This country has 4% of the world's population but 25% of the world's prisoners. Do you not see a problem there? If not then you are part of the problem. Turn off the Fox news, and demand accountability from these fucks that work for you.

I have to get out of this place. If I hear one more dumbass comment from faux news echoed by my parents (like "who's going to pay for free health care or free college?") and see their blank stares when I calmly ask" who's paying for endless war or a police state, or trillion dollar tax cuts for the Uber rich?" I might have a fucking aneurysm.


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Good post.