RE: Fire in the hole!! - Anarcho Capitalism / Communism - debate/discussion Part 2 - after many comments

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Fire in the hole!! - Anarcho Capitalism / Communism - debate/discussion Part 2 - after many comments

in anarchy •  9 years ago 

But people actually communicate and form associations to work towards larger goals (such as producing complex goods with many components). We even have technology today to communicate at ~the speed of light. You don't actually have to walk to some huge stockpile and put/remove items. There's no guy doing math in some room.
The free market requires inventories and communication. Does that mean you always walk to a place called 'the market' and report your needs/surplus to some guy doing calculations in a room?

When you look around you find a lot of stuff that was advertised to you as some kind of golden ticket to your happiness but you don't actually need them. And even the things you need sit idle and unused in the vast majority of the time. So I would argue that this fixation on production for profit and the resulting consumerism is actually an artifact of capitalism.

As I stated before you can see these same property behaviors occurring in animals and pretty much any other species.

You can also see groups of animals hunting together and sharing the prey. But then again, you can also see them eat their own offsprings and leave the weak/injured/old to die.
And most animal species I know of are not particularly aware of the larger scale of things, they are incapable of comprehending anything beyond their local environment and cooperating over large distances. I think you get the point.

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Quick response... all the time I have at the moment.

You can also see groups of animals hunting together and sharing the prey. But then again, you can also see them eat their own offsprings and leave the weak/injured/old to die. And most animal species I know of are not particularly aware of the larger scale of things, they are incapable of comprehending anything beyond their local environment and cooperating over large distances. I think you get the point.

I believe your point was basically. "Apples and Oranges" Am I correct?

In short, yes.

I'd also like to add to my previous comment that what you brought up here really seems to be about scarcity (aside from logistics, but i've already addressed that).
I believe scarcity manifests itself in the free market as 'extremely high price / unavailable' and in anarcho-communism as 'running low / unavailable'. But the meaning is kind of the same: to get such objects, more effort and time must to be invested.