RE: "Organic" Should Not Be A Label. Everything Else Should Be.

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"Organic" Should Not Be A Label. Everything Else Should Be.

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

I totally agree with "get to know your farmers!" The problem with that, though, is A LOT of farms and ranches end up specializing in a single product. See: Dairy Farm, Cattle Ranch, Apple Orchard, ect. They don't deviate from what works and that includes avoiding "farm to table" because they do what their daddy's taught them and that wasn't a thing they did. Straight to the commercial slaughter house from the ranch or straight to the supermarket distributor. When the farms and ranches start specializing, they start relying on the one product..and with that, comes major loss if something goes wrong like disease, bad know the drill.

Anyway, my point being that there are many places that just don't have small farms or ENOUGH small farms to feed people who are even remotely interested. A CSA membership or CoOp membership would be your best bet. Then you'll really know where your food comes from and whats on it!

Labels mean very little unless you know a lot about the label. Hey, I think I'll talk about this for my next blog post. Thanks..

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