Evil Genius "Pharma Bro" Martin Shkreli Is Not a Bad Guy

in anarchy •  8 years ago  (edited)

The Pharma-villain Martin Shkreli has been found guilty of fraud between 2009-2014. Shkreli supposedly tricked investors putting money into his hedgefund. Shkreli's lawyer says that if only the investors would have had more patience their money would be safe.




The most evil human being alive?

I have no idea if he is really guilty of that or not, and it's almost not relevant. Because Shkreli became famous as one of the most "evil human beings in the world" when he bought a drug called Daraprim, which is used to treat toxoplasmosis, a disease which can be fatal to H.I.V patients - and then raised the price from twenty dollars per tablet to seven hundred and fifty dollars.

After all this infamy, Shkreli continued to play the role of the "evil genius" while waiting for the trail. Purchasing a one of a kind unknown album by Wu Tang Clan for 2 million USD and got into a beef with Ghostface Killah. Shkreli started to post videos on youtube where he let's people call him and ask questions. However, if the caller trolled him, he trolled them back times 1000. I'm not sure if he really did these things, but you can judge for your self. Finding out where people lived, supposedly sending letters to their schools or parents etc. Bragging about his money, how G he was, how much women he screws. But that was the troll Shkreli.


After watching more of his videos, I realized he's not a a psychopat. He's just a guy who gives zero fucks about people who show disrespect. I watched several videos of him talking to parents of kids with horrible diseases, and his compassion is without a doubt real. He even donated a lot of money to all kinds of people to help them afford different medication for their kids.


Shkreli just showed us how things work

And keep in mind. Shkreli has not been found guilty of anything related to the pricing of Daraprim. Remember, Daraprim is a medicine that a couple of thousand people in the U.S is in need of. No other pharmaceutical companies would touch Daraprim, because there was no money to be made. Shkreli simply raise the price to where it should be so that investors could make money on it. If no one is making money, no drug would exist. That's just how the world works. Also, remember that drug companies have something called patient assistance programmes. These programs provide co-payment assistance or free or discounted medicines to people who can’t afford them.

But because of Shkrelis flamboyant and "evil genius"-like appearance, he was the perfect scape goat for the media to lash out on. Someone who didn't say what ever the media wanted him to say, someone with unpopular but objective and realistic views on things. The wanted a poster boy for the evil drug companies. And I'm sure there are a lot of evil people in drug companies. But Shkreli is definitely not one of them. But he is probably the easiest one to show to the mind numbed stupified public.

Remember, a truly greedy executive would hold a much lower profile than Shkreli. He has showed people how the industry works for better and worse, and in my opinion he is not the evil person portrayed in the media. Raised by poor parents, becoming a millionaire and CEO and hedgefund manager in his thirties, he is as untraditional as it gets, and is truly an example of the american dream.

In fact, Shkreli has saved a lot of lives. How many of us can say the same?

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I have been following Skreli for a long time. I know evil is tossed around about his name. I think he is a little bit sociopathic, but I see him more of a trickster that show how extremely hypocritical the debate in US about pharmacy has become. He is ridiculed by everyone. There are many other pharmaceutical companies that have raised the prized similarly, but of course Skreli is the scapegoat. He like to provoke people no doubt. His play against Wu Tang Clan...

I agree that some of his behaviour seems sociopathic..but I believe he is trolling. I could be wrong of course :)

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 15.28 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @scandinavianlife.

This post has received a 1.29 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @scandinavianlife.

I had an opportunity about 18 months ago to talk to Martin one on one on a now dead platform called Blab. I have MS, and as soon as he heard that all pretense of "douchebag" fell away and he gave me almost 30 minutes of his time asking me questions and teaching me about the ins and outs of "Big Pharma" and research. He was really sincere and honest, I came away from that interaction with a very positive impression of Martin. Great post!

Wow. I'm so glad you read my post and confirmed it! :D That's amazing. Hope you're doing better.

I still remember his tinder talks :D :D

He's funny as hell, and simply the best troll/genius ever :)

I can't say that I know much about him, at least in terms of factual information as opposed to what the media says. The few times I've actually seen him talk, he made sense.

I think you're right in your assessment that he's a convenient scapegoat.

Even Steemit has its share of "evil geniuses".

I'll at least respect him for his unabashed honesty.

I think there are a lot of people who are much worse and do worse things but hide in the shadows. Thanks @scandinavianlife. Shkreli is just working within the system but is candid about it.

I think so too. He strikes me more as a hardcore realist, almost autisticly so :) I don't think he tries to be neither good nor bad, just having his own standards which are probably very hard for most people to accept.

Interesting to read this post and the comments below. I've always considered him to be an arrogant asshole who likes to fuck with other peoples money and lives.
You post has given me something to think about, I'll certainly be approaching any stories about him now with a bit more of an open mind. Thanks.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What he is trying to prove? Want to become internet celebrity through negativity?

Shkreli you mean? I don't think so no?

This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @scandinavianlife! For more information, click here!

Yeah, I feel like I'm constantly trying to make these points to people that just want to have kneejerk reactions.