Being Anti-Government, But Dating A Statist

in anarchy •  8 years ago 

I have always had major issues with government. Many would agree that government is pointless, and has done far more harm than good. This is something I firmly believe. But for some reason, every woman I have ever dated was... you guessed it... a statist. As you can imagine, this frequently caused problems in the relationships, especially when either side voiced opinions in regards to government. My most serious relationship, which consisted of three years of living together and attempting to work through our struggles, is probably the best example I can give about how difficult it can be to be in a relationship with a statist. She was a Democrat and of course, an Obama supporter. She usually preferred to just not talk about it, but dammit, government corruption NEEDS to be talked about. So, I was the one who would initiate these discussions, which would almost always end up with one or both of us being upset. Needless to say, the relationship eventually ended and once the initial pain and heartbreak that normally comes with a breakup was gone, I realized it was for the best. I simply should never be with someone who holds such high views of Obama and his administration. Since that breakup, I have been seeing a woman off and on for about a year. We both worked at a state agency (I know, I know, hypocritical of me) and eventually "hit it off" after we both quit the job. According to her, she was really into the punk scene back in the 80's, and she was completely against authority. My kind of girl! However, as time goes on, I'm realizing more and more that she's just another statist. She is now a probation officer, and she proudly assists in putting people behind bars for victimless crimes. This is something I'm most definitely against. So, where does one draw the line? Is it even possible for two people with polar opposite views to have a healthy relationship together? I'm sure there are people out there who are able to make it work. But as far as this anarchist goes, I think I'll be single for awhile until my government hating soul mate comes into my life.

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