No one asked me. I just decided to give my two cents about why I believe that, at the current point in our world, Agorism makes the most sense, for me at least.
The best I can tell, Agorism seems to be one of the only ways we can practice anarchy today. The state is, honestly, nothing more than a mass delusion and Agorism is an acceptance of this fact. At the moment, we are not fighting men with tanks but ideas, lies and arbitrary restrictions. Through Agorist activity, we can begin to take action and live as though the state were not a thing and, in the process, deprive it of what it uses to enslave us: money.
Anarchy- anarchy literally means without rulers. But I believe it is much more than that. It is how we wish to live our lives. This can be implemented today. We wish to be free to engage in voluntary interactions, to be responsible for ourselves, to not be culpable for the actions of others through mass consensus. We can achieve anarchy today, in our own lives and between each other.
To me, this A in A³ means to live anarchy today. To refuse the delusion of the state and instead treat it and its agents as they really are: a group of psychotic parasites who will hurt or kill those that stand against them. We must hide in plain sight for our own safety and the safety of our 'clients' but we may go on to engage in whatever activity we wish when not under their scrutiny. Essentially, "it's only illegal if you get caught" should be the mindset of the Agorist.
Agora- an agora was a gathering place, usually for the trading of goods. I think, in the context of modern day with social media and in regard to our 'movement' it means something more. It is a coming together in order to discuss and find ways to live freely and to reduce the influence of the state in our lives.
For me, this A in A³ is about networking with one another and offering grey market solutions to everyone who would use them. It is less about 'gathering' and more about 'spreading' the 'open market', i.e. the grey and black markets, to make them more and more common in everyday life.
Action- simply, action is taking steps to the above. Not just pontificating, proselytizing and debating, but actively engaging in a 'free' lifestyle even in the face of the state. This last A is about getting out of the armchair and getting into the real world with our theories and strategies.
So, what makes this better than ancap, ancom or other subsects of anarchist philosophy? It is practical in the here and now and has no ties or loyalties to a particular philosophy. All anarchists of all colors can be Agorist in the here and now. Furthermore, it removes the control the state has in our lives from our lives, a necessary dependence on their money, their rules to survive and thrive. In the grey and black markets, we have more options and they have less recourse. We can trade rather than buy and sell. We can take the money we do accept and invest it into actual assets and valuables to include silver, ammo, firearms, et cetera.
The fight against the state is still one of the mind and heart and will always be so, but it is time to do more than simply talk. we need to live what we preach, we need to be examples of what anarchy can and will be. And while the ancaps talk about the freemarket and that is all good and well, no one gets to see it in action unless they engage in these practices. And while the ancoms may wish to simply strike out at the state(or, sadly, more often at private business) this has a greater chance of making a difference as well as winning more support for the core ideal of ALL anarchist philosophy: the absence and obsolesence of the state.
I know this may not be the most articulate argument for Agorism but it is what I believe and see as well as I can describe it at this time.
And for those that may be wondering how they can be more 'anarchist' in their lives, today, even with the state, here are some examples:
Bearing in mind that what I am listing are 'legal' activities where I am at...
Buying and selling cars
Building and fixing computers
Maintaining and repairing cars and other motor driven vehicles
Selling guns privately
Tutoring, nanny services
Gathering valuable plants and fungi
Costume design and other seamtress type jobs
Most computer and network and internet related jobs
Growing and selling food roadside
Private security(my state doesn't require licensing outside of certain counties and municipalities)
Hosting private functions
Buying and selling mobile homes
Logging and selling lumber and wood
Most any labor contracting to include landscaping, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, carpentry, welding, roofing, et cetera
And much, much more. Pretty much anything you can do out of your house or off of your property can be done on the grey market. The ONLY 'illegal' activity you would be engaged in would be failing to file taxes for income and capital taken in.
Remember, all it takes to offer a service is to have the skill, the will to find clients and that's it. Everything else is bullshit. Anything that is provided on the 'white' market can be provided on any markets, you simply take an increased risk should you make enough money and it be found out by the thugs in D.C.