www.BloodyPalimpsest.com Archives: Stop the Circle Jerk of the Anarchist Echo Chamber

in anarchy •  8 years ago 

You can pretty well predict how most statists are going to debate and converse on the topic of abandoning the state. They’ll avoid, misinterpret, twist and outright attack you and your statements. You can throw an entire encyclopedia of facts and knowledge at them but their magical government and its magical laws seem to somehow make their minds and hearts impervious to reality.

So what is a VAnS to do? It seems like talking to these people and having them in our lives, whether through social media or IRL, is akin to having a wall in your house that you occassionally find yourself head butting thinking maybe this time it will make a difference. Many of us get so discouraged by this that after several years of discourse, usually after we have firmly established where we stand and discussing freedom seems to be from rote memory anymore, we ultimately let the statists in our lives go and we simply avoid those that display statist tendencies so as to stop beating our heads against bricks.

Unfortunately, though it may not seem so, this results in our lives being populated only by those that understand what we are saying and we spend our time validating and being validated. It feels great. It gives us a sense that maybe it isn’t so hopeless out there. We forget about how many are still ‘plugged’ in to the system and we forget that there are unanswered and unbroached topics about living freely today and making tomorrow truly free. And that will be our downfall.

Having no opposition or not seeking to tread into territory found unduly difficult by most to traverse breeds weakness and it is the tactic of the state and the statist. By avoiding hardship, the statist is not forced to confront that which he fears most: his own failings and weaknesses. Because of this, he becomes soft and self-assured, a recipe that is a favorite of the state because it breeds complacency and acceptance of the status quo. If for no other reason than because advocates of the state engage in this behavior of ostracizing and disassociating with oppositional persons and difficult topics, we who pride ourselves on being hard-nosed realists should eschew such tempting avenues in our lives.

It is a good thing to have as many freedom minded people in your life as you can. It takes away the sense of isolation the state and the statists breed in this world so as to force the weak-willed among us into accepting varying levels of government and tyranny, if only to not be alone in the world. By coming together and communing and congregating, we assure each other that we are not alone, we are a force to be reckoned with and we are growing day by day, hell, minute by minute in this globally connected society we have today.

But we need to invite and seek out opposition and we need to tackle the difficult questions and topics. We need to be stymied and we need to be forced to go back to the drawing table here and there to find our truth about an assertion or topic. For the freedom and truth loving individual, opposition and difficulty are not something to avoid, it is something to embrace. It is the way we increase our understanding and knowledge, the way we strengthen our communicative ability and learn new and innovative ways to tackle opposing views and assertions. Opposition to our statements are our exercise regimens and difficult, even impossible hypotheticals and topics are our obstacle courses. Engaging in these can only strengthen us so long as we don’t allow ourselves to be demoralized.

So, what should we do? Break apart the echo chambers we have built. They may be populated by so many but they are still isolating us and restraining us from not only bettering ourselves but bettering our fellow VAnS and even helping the sleepers to wake up. We have a responsibility, a ‘duty’, to ourselves, to our ‘compatriots’ and to our sleeping brethren to never back away and avoid the brick walls that are statists or ‘unanswerable’ questions or topics.

We need to follow a formula. We need to surround ouselves with like-minded persons, no doubt. That assures us and boosts our morale, makes clear that we are not alone, we are not simply crazy lone nuts. But we also need to fight to keep the statists we know and that come to us in our lives. We need to engage with them and we need to fight them when they begin to push us away as they are wont to do when confronted with a reality they fear and don’t want to accept. Finally, we need to broach those topics that so many of us are timid about for fear of being perceived as ‘radical’ or for fear of not having all the answers and solutions to all the problems that such topics bring to light, such as the topic of open rebellion.

So allow me to start. I will broach the topic that is a favorite of mine, open rebellion. While I believe it would be ideal and wonderful if we could simply revolutionize and free the world through intellectually awakening and shifting the paradigm through breaking the cognitive dissonance of the statists, we must accept that the state will not take such a revolution kindly and it will not simply fade away as those with so much invested in the continuation of slavery through debt and tax will seek to retain their power over the rest of us. They have a monopoly on force and we know they are far from afraid to use it. Perhaps timid about using it openly and wantonly in ‘sacred spaces’ such as suburban America, but we know, when push comes to shove, they will open fire. Since we know this to be true, we must accept and prepare and plan for this likely outcome. Yes, the war will mostly be won by winning hearts and minds but it won’t be over until the state and its sponsors have been curtailed in their attempts to physically and violently force us back into compliance. We are an intellectual community that knows that history holds the answers and keys to most of what we face today and tomorrow. If we are being honest and if we truly understand history, then we must honestly understand, admit and proceed knowing that at no time in history has society been revolutionized, for better or worse, without blood.

Let’s stop isolating ourselves and jerking each other off by talking about how we all know how much we all understand the state of the world today and how much better it would be without a state. Let’s invite a little opposition, let’s toughen ourselves up, work ourselves out and not only maintain our current intellectual and ethical strength but let’s increase it. We can always make ourselves a little bit better than we are now, but not if all we have is a bunch of people telling each other how right they are about things we all agree on.

A social media friend, Dave Painter, made a list that pretty much sums up the way to get out of the chamber via statists:
“Some great advice from Dave Painter Help prevent an echo chamber within groups.
How to do this?

  1. Invite statists
  2. Invite more statists
  3. Share posts from this group to your timeline.
  4. Invite more statist
  5. Have a positive attitude
  6. Be willing to teach
  7. invite friends
  8. Make content
    9 interact with posts as much as you can (lurking is great and all but Aunt Linda ain’t gonna change her mind if you stay silent)
  9. Don’t be scared. The light outside the cave won’t hurt you.
    Statism will be stopped”

I would add: don’t be a pussy and get intimidated by a topic that you know little about or that is ‘too radical’. Get in there. Do some fucking research and stop worrying that you might come off as radical. If you espouse freedom, you’re already a radical on a list. There is no delineation of value of radical. Either you are or you aren’t. If you are, then fucking go for the throat.

Fuck the echo chambers. Fuck the isolationism.
But most of all, fuck the state.

A³ -Sicarius Savidicus-

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