Is There a Correlation Between Eating Meat, Poultry and Fish
AND Stupidity, Wickedness and Disease?
Why did God allow humanity to eat meat after the flood?
Creation Chronologists generally agree that creation occurred in approximately
4004 B.C. – obviously no one except God knows the exact date - and that the
flood took place sometime between 2500 B.C. and 2350 B.C. That means that it
took only about 1650 years for humanity to become so totally wicked that the
earth had to be destroyed completely, including ALL of its inhabitants, except 8:
Noah and his family.
God created the world and everything in it, including human beings, in six days.
Then He made the Seventh day – Saturday – holy, as a memorial of His creation,
and God designated the Saturday Sabbath, for ALL mankind, as a Holy Day on
which to worship Him as our Creator (Exodus 20:8-11). The Sabbath was given
to Adam and Eve – the mother and father of ALL mankind.
A Day with the Lord is as a Thousand Years
In 2 Peter, Chapter 3, Peter is writing about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
but he interrupts his message of the pending destruction of the world at that time,
by inserting this verse:
“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the
Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” 2 Peter 3:8
Many pastors and theologians believe this text means that “time” means nothing
to the Lord – because God is “outside of time.” But God created the earth in
“time” and ALL the biblical prophecies are “timed” precisely: 70 weeks, 1260
days, 1290 days 1335 days, 2300 days, etc. Also, the events surrounding Jesus
were all foretold in “time”, including the time Jesus was to be born and the time
He was to be crucified, resurrected and ascended to heaven. Everything was in
When God created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day of creation, He
said they were to be for sings and for seasons, and for days, and years.
“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide
the day from the night: and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for
days, and years.” Genesis 1:14
Indeed, the sun and moon are the source of our 24-hour day, and they govern
the year (the earth’s rotation around the sun), and the moon predicts the length of
the month.
But there is nothing in the sky that governs the 7-day week. It was God who
designated the 7-day week – to tell us when He’s coming back - because One
day of Creation is symbolic for 1,000 years of human history. So when the earth
is 6,000 years old, representing 6,000 years of human history, Jesus will return.
How old is the Earth?
Creation chronologists believe that the earth is close to 6,000 years old now.
The Seventh day – the Sabbath - represents the seventh one thousand years:
the millennium.
Before the Flood, human beings lived to be over 900 years old. The Bible tells us
that Noah was six hundred years old when the flood came (Genesis 7:6), and
that after the flood he lived another 300 years or so. Adam lived to be 930 years
old, and Methuselah lived to be 969 years old (666 = the number of humanity.
An upside down 9 is a 6.)
One can get significantly more wicked in 900 years than he can in 70 years.
How could God keep the earth going for another 4,000 years Plus?
Because the earth became desperately wicked in only 1650 years from the
creation of humanity to the flood, how would God keep the world going for
another 4400 years - before humanity would again become so wicked that the
earth would be destroyed, at the time of His Second Coming?
Extreme Seasonal Weather
- The flood, in itself, would provide a couple of answers. Before the flood,
there was a water canopy surrounding the earth (Genesis 1:7), keeping
the temperature perfect, with no extreme temperatures, causing winter
and summer. Up until that time, there had never been rain. The ground
was watered by dew that came up from the ground. This water canopy
was destroyed during the flood as the torrents of rain poured down from
the sky, and from then on there were extremes of heat and cold on the
Decrease the Oxygen in the Air
- After the flood, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere dropped
precipitously. When this massive upheaval of the earth occurred, air was
trapped inside granite as it was forming rapidly from the magma. When
the percentage of oxygen in the air in that granite is tested, it is found to
be significantly higher than the oxygen in the air we now breathe.
Both the extremes of temperatures (seasons of winter and summer) and
the decreased oxygen in the air led to a progressive decrease in life
expectancy of human beings.
Noah’s 3 sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth were born before the flood, and
lived to be around 600 years old, but the generations that came soon after
the flood only lived to be 400 years old, and even down to 230 years, a
drop in longevity of as much as 75%. It took just ten generations for the
life expectancy to drop to 175, the age of Abraham when he died, then
another 400 years, to Moses who died at age 120. Four hundred years
later, King David ascended the throne of Israel and died at age 70.
“Let them eat Flesh”
- But there was a third reason for this massive decrease in longevity after
the flood, and that was the beginning of eating flesh food: meat, poultry
and fish. Before the flood, the people ate fruits, grains and vegetables – a
vegan diet – which was a major factor in encouraging long life. But after
the flood, God allowed (but did not command) people to eat flesh food,
with the exception of animals, birds and sea creatures that were
scavengers, animals that ate human and animal waste, and also ate dead
and rotting animals.
God specifically prohibited the eating of animals that ate the filth of the earth,
scavengers such as pigs, vultures, hyenas, jackals, lions, leopards, wolves,
shellfish, crabs and lobsters, a prohibition directly from God’s mouth that is
ignored completely by almost every Christian, including pastors and theologians.
When human beings began eating flesh food, even the flesh of animals that God
allowed, this caused a major decrease in the length of their life. Even today, in
the 21 st century, vegetarians live 10 years longer than meat eaters.
Eating flesh food causes wickedness: aggression, violence and a lack of self-
control, but it also causes a decrease in life expectancy, allowing the world to
continue for another 4400 years.
Adelanto Prison Vegan Diet Experiment
Vegan Diet Impacts Recidivism
May 20, 2013
By Dianne Frazee-Walker
Most cynics would say, “Prisoners don’t deserve good food. They committed a
crime; just keep feeding them slop because we don’t want our tax dollars going to
feed those criminals!”
Unless one is familiar with a prison 120 miles northeast of Los Angeles,
California, they would agree prisoners don’t deserve nutritional food and it is a
waste of money.
Terry Mooreland, CEO of Maranatha Private Corrections LLC, proved this
speculation wrong when he bid on a 500-inmate private prison in San
Bernardino, Calif.
In 1997, when Mooreland won the bid, private prisons were a flourishing prospect
especially in San Bernardino County where crime rates and returning inmates
were high.
When Mooreland bid on Victor Valley Medium Community Correctional Facility in
Adelanto, California, it was under the condition that if his offer was accepted, the
inmates would go vegan.
At the time Mooreland took over the facility, California had a recidivism
rate of 95%. During the seven years Mooreland had the inmates at Victor
Valley on a vegetarian diet the recidivism rate at the prison went down to
under 2%.
During the time Mooreland directed the prison the new inmates could choose if
they wanted to participate in the New Start program that consisted of a vegan
diet, bible studies, occupational training, and anger management.
The inmates who opted for the traditional California Department of Corrections
routine continued to be fed the standard high carbohydrate starchy menu and did
not have the option to participate in rehabilitative programs.
Julianne Aranda, the Victor Valley nutrition services coordinator, along with her
staff maintained the philosophy that what the inmates put in their mouths affects
their mental attitude and how they deal with conflict. Eating a diet of starches
boggles the mind and doesn’t contribute to being cleared out to make positive
changes when they are released into the real world.
Despite California’s pessimistic prediction that the 500 inmates residing at Victor
Valley would probably “burn the place down before they became vegetarians,” a
whopping 85% of the inmates agreed to rooming on the “vegan” side of the
The outcome was incredible. The environment on the New Start side of the
complex compared to the 15% that stayed with the California Department of
Corrections original protocol was like night and day. The New Start side was
exempt from fights and racial territory. The CDC side of the house remained the
same. Racial tension and gang terrain was unchanged and so was the food; the
same old sloppy grub.
The inmates on the New Start side of the fence were making better decisions
because their minds were clear and their behavior changed dramatically.
Diet, Crime and Delinquency
In Alexander Schauss’ book, Diet, Crime and Delinquency, the author shows that
criminals are not a product of bad genes, nor even necessarily of bad mothering.
The criminal doesn’t commit a crime because he was ‘born bad.” He doesn’t
commit a crime because his mother didn’t love him. He is bad because he feels bad.
“Let’s consider some true examples of the most violent crime, murder.
One murderer I knew, a young woman, became paranoid probably due to
an overactive thyroid gland. In her hyper-excited state she became fearful
of her downstairs neighbor and murdered her.
“Another case, a young man was prescribed the hormone, testosterone, to
treat an impotence problem. The testosterone worked so well, that he
used several times the recommended dose. The male sex hormone
increases aggressiveness, and one day while arguing with his girlfriend,
he pulled out a gun – and murdered her.
“These crimes occurred because the criminal was feeling bad at the time.
Whether or not they were breastfed or properly toilet trained would appear
to be inconsequential to their act. Whether or not they had a criminal
genetic background seems unimportant. In both of these cases, as in
5most crimes, it is the events of the present that are paramount in
importance. Neither murderer would have committed their crime in a sober
state. The fear and rage they experienced secondary to the drugs they
were taken causing chemical disturbances in the brain, led to an altered
state of consciousness in which they were unable to control their
emotions.” A. Schauss. Diet, Crime and Delinquency.
And their “need” for the drug therapy stemmed from their lifestyle, their inability to
know how to live, think, act, eat, and handle stress properly. Most people will find
it hard to believe that what you eat can make you a criminal. Most everyone
accepts that alcohol or drugs can set the stage for crime, but our brain is no
different from the rest of our body. Brain cells require proper feeding in order to
function correctly. In fact, the brain is the body’s most chemically sensitive
organ. Sugar starvation (hypoglycemia), vitamin deficiencies, lead pollution and
food allergies can convert a normal brain into a criminal mind.
When this author, Alex Schauss, worked with heroin addicts in Harlem in 1968,
he noticed that those able to kick their diet of fast foods, colas, and refined sugar
improved, while those stuck in a “junk food” rut continued to use narcotics.
Physical activity also relaxed the addicts and reduced their craving for narcotics.
Serving with Youth Services in South Dakota from 1975-1977, Schauss found
that in the group homes where the juveniles enjoyed a better diet, their average
stay was only three months, compared to a State average of eighteen months.
Dietary Approaches to Criminal Behavior
On June 22, 1977, Barbara Reed, Chief Probation Officer, Cuyahoga Falls
Municipal Probation Department (Ohio), reported to the U.S. Senate Select
Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs on her experience with 318 offenders.
Of these, “252 required attention to their diet and vitamin needs.” Mrs. Reed then
reported that, we have not had one single person back in court for trouble who
has maintained and stayed on the nutritional, whole foods, diet.” Ibid. p 3
In 1979, the San Luis Obispo Juvenile Probation Department in California was
awarded a 12-month grant to set up a Clinical Ecology Treatment Program to
work with difficult juvenile offenders. A thorough biochemical and nutritional
analysis was conducted on each child. Of the first 20 juveniles in the program
given a glucose tolerance test (GTT) for possible blood sugar imbalances, 16
were clinically shown to be hypoglycemic and one was pre-diabetic.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia are nervousness, anxiety, irritability, impatience, and
confusion, all of which can encourage aggressiveness and hostility.
6Excessive Milk Consumption
Studies show that a high consumption of milk (48 to 56 ounces per day) can
cause milk allergy, trigger seizures and cause behavioral disorders, including
hostility and hyperactive disorders.
B-1 Deficiency in Hostile Youths
Many juvenile offenders display the following personality traits: poor impulse
control; easily angered; sensitive to criticism; easily irritated; and hostile and
aggressive behavior. After giving them increased doses of Vitamin B-1, until the
levels were normal, the aggressive behavior in most instances will cease.
Eating Flesh Food causes Stupidity
Eating flesh food causes stupidity because the fat in the flesh clogs the arteries
of the brain and also shortens life expectancy. A shortened life expectancy
causes stupidity because one has a shorter frame of reference for viewing history
– what happened in the past. And as one philosopher said, “Those who do not
learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”
Recently, I had an extended conversation with a young man in his early thirties.
He is highly educated - an entrepreneur who owns his own company. He lives in
one of the finest and wealthiest cities in Southern California. As the conversation
moved toward the candidates for the upcoming election for President of the
United States, I began talking about the candidates who were largely controlled
by those who were promoting a New World Order, including the wife of
Presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Heidi Cruz was one of the authors of the
periodical written by the Globalist Government promoting Council on Foreign
Relations, entitled, “Building a North American Community.”
This successful young man had never heard the term, “New World Order.” He
asked what that was all about. When I told him it was a group of elitist
organizations whose goal was the control of the whole world and the destruction
of our freedom of speech and our constitutional rights, a plan that is operating
right now.
His response was, “My free speech has never been restricted and my
constitutional rights have not been restrained in any way.” He also said he had
never heard of the Rothschilds.
Of course, I was shocked, to think of someone so successful and highly educated
who had absolutely no knowledge of what is really going on in the world. He
accepts the illegal searches (and molestation) by TSA at the airport as routine
and legal. He doesn’t even see the difference between telling the truth about
the Jews and Israel – truths that he doesn’t even know – truths that are
profoundly prohibited even to the point of being imprisoned in many countries,
and telling the truth about any other culture or country in the world.
He is too young even to remember a time when there was NO “security” at the
airport, when one could park one’s car, run into the airport with a single piece of
luggage, go directly to the gate and get on the plane.
He is too young to remember a time when you didn’t get arrested for refusing to
allow your car to be searched at a police checkpoint.
He is too young to remember when bolding claiming you are a constitutionalist
did NOT get you arrested.
He is too young to remember the Police State of the Jewish Bolsheviks that led
the brutal revolution in Russia, killing 50 -100 million Christians.
However, he seemed rather interested and was willing to read some articles on
the internet that I recommended to him. But, he said, “I don’t want to be on
anyone’s list. If I go to these websites, will I be on the government’s watch list?”
Obviously, that is exactly what the Jews who control the U.S. government want
Americans to be - - - AFRAID! Afraid of learning the Truth, Afraid of sharing the
Truth, and even Afraid of being associated with anyone who knows – and shares
– the Truth!
When people are afraid to investigate the truth, and to learn the truth, and to
share the truth with others – then Satan – and the Jews – have WON!
Eating Flesh Food Causes Disease – including CANCER!
Animal fat, cholesterol, and saturated fat are positively correlated with
pancreatic cancer mortality. Revista de Sanidad e Higiene Publica 1994;68(3):361-376
A “significant dose-response relationship” was found between animal fat intake
and ovarian cancer risk . British Journal of Cancer 1989;59(1):92-96
Nations with the highest dietary fat consumption also have the highest rates of
prostate and breast cancer. Advances in Cancer Research 1980;32:237-345, and
Cancer Research 1975;35(11 Pt.2):3374-3383
During the adult life, a reduction in dietary intake of fat and proteins of animal
origin may contribute to a substantial reduction in the incidence of breast cancer.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1989;81(4):278-286
Is Cancer the First Plague of the Seven Last Plagues?
In Revelation 16:2, the First Plague of the Seven Last Plagues that occur before
Jesus comes, is a disease that effects everyone on earth EXCEPT those who
have NOT taken the Mark of the Beast.
The incidence of cancer in America in 1900 was 3%. By 1985, the incidence in
America was 33%. In 2016, the incidence of Cancer in America is greater than
50% - and rising!
Obviously, those who are TRUE followers of Christ, those who are living, eating,
and handling stress God’s way, will be healthy, with properly functioning immune
systems, so they will NOT develop diseases of any kind – including Cancer!
“And the first angel went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there
fell a foul and loathsome sore (literal: malignant ulcer – cancer?) upon
(only) those who had the mark of the beast and upon them that
worshipped his image.” Rev 16:2
God’s IDEAL Diet is a Vegan Diet
The diet God gave Adam and Eve, the parents of the whole human race, in the
Garden of Eden was a vegan diet of fruits, grains, and vegetables. Nothing died,
so obviously, Adam and Eve were NOT eating flesh food.The diet God, Himself, provided for the Israelites during the Exodus was a
totally Vegan diet – Manna! But the Israelites hated it. They said, “We LOATHE
this light bread” (Numbers 21:5). The Israelites continued to beg for flesh food, so
God finally gave them what they wanted – to reap what they would sow.
“Ye shall eat (quail – flesh food) not one day, nor two days, nor five days,
neither ten days, nor twenty days. But even a whole month – until it
comes out your nose (nostrils) and it becomes loathsome to you; because
you have despised the Lord which is among you.” Numbers 11:19-20
“And while the flesh was still between their teeth, before it was chewed,
the wrath of the Lord was kindled against the people, and the Lord smote
the people with a very great plague. And there they buried the people who
had lusted (for flesh food).” Numbers 11:33
Not one of those who participated in that orgy of flesh-food eating, entered the
Promised Land.
God had given the Israelites a vegan diet (manna) 4 chapters BEFORE He gave
them Ten Commandments – so their minds would be healthier and more alert so
they could understand the truth of God’s commandments.
- The diet that we will eat in heaven and the New Earth will be a vegan diet
because NOTHING will die.
“And the lion will eat straw like the ox.” Isa 65:25
After the Flood, God had a plan to facilitate the earth and its population lasting
another 4,400 years, until the Second Coming of Christ, before becoming SO evil
that the earth would again be destroyed.
Eating meat poultry and fish shortens life expectancy and contributes
enormously to disease, causing premature death.A shortened life expectancy decreases a person’s ability to become as evil as
he would if he lived 12 times longer (to around 900 years old), thus prolonging
the earth’s existence until the Second Coming.A shortened life expectancy decreases one’s ability to view history and thus
learn from the previous mistakes of others, therefore increasing stupidity.
Correct me if I'm wrong. In the christian era evrything can be eaten except for the animal blood and if what you insight that eating flesh will make a human wicked, why did God allow it to be eaten?
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hi Thanks for reading my post. Why God allowed it I do not know but Before the flood, the people ate fruits, grains and vegetables – a vegan diet – which was a major factor in encouraging long life. But after the flood, God allowed (but did not command) people to eat flesh food, with the exception of animals, birds and sea creatures that were scavengers, animals that ate human and animal waste, and also ate dead and rotting animals.
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Eating vegan is bad nutritionally. It's something that's only possible in a rich society.
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Very interesting point to ponder upon.
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You obviously have prejudices that aren't consistent with the Bible.
No, eating meat didn't cause mankind to live much shorter lives. Do you see vegetarians living to 500 years old? No, you don't.
God gave mankind permission to eat meat because eating meat is good. God designed us with teeth that help us eat meat.
The earth isn't 7,000 years old. The scientific evidence indicates that the earth is billions of years old. The Genesis account wasn't meant to be a scientific paper. It lists the creation elements as opposites: light & darkness, male & female, plants & animals.
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I don't agree that humans were vegetarians before the flood. Gen 7:2..."Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female." Why would there be clean and unclean animals taken on the ark? Also, the most nutritious diet is a balance of fresh organic meat and vegetables with real butter, and Unheated oils, Nuts, & NO grains, because grains are what mostly causes you to be fat... my Dr. calls it "wheat belly"-too much bread etc... You will have a hard time getting enough "fatty acids" from veggies alone...
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