Papers Please?

in anarchy •  7 years ago 

This is something that I just learned about the other day visiting my local BMV to get my address updated on my drivers license. In case you didn't know by 2020 you will need what they call a "REAL ID" to board a plane, and enter certain GOV buildings. So it looks like we have gone full circle, I remember the days when we would think that would never happen in the US and laugh at the thought, but now here we are along with all the other things that could never happen in the US. And when you look it up on the .gov website they make it sound like its no big deal, and I guess if it was just the ID it might not be, but they are slowly getting their foot in the door on every aspect of our lives.

The REAL ID Act of 2005, Pub.L. 109–13, 119 Stat. 302, enacted May 11, 2005, is an Act of Congress that modifies U.S. federal law pertaining to security, authentication, and issuance procedures standards for the state driver's licenses and identity documents, as well as various immigration issues pertaining to terrorism.

And as you can see it was a law passed in 2005, and there is the key word that allows them to do what ever they want TERRORISM. So here we are again they keep pushing more and more and we keep giving our consent and that is ultimatly what they have to get to do any of the things they do, CONSENT. Anyway want to keep it short, just wanted to point this out to people so they are a little better informed to whats going on.

Have a good day everyone and thanks for checking this out.

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Interesting. I live in Canada so i have no stake in this (yet) but I've seen some of the identification cards from the states and they look really easy to fake, and there's so many different ID cards.

A really hard to tamper with Federal ID would add a level of security when entering places that are seen as "targets" so i can see why the government would push for their REAL ID.

Thing is we don't really know how real the threats are. US has been at or above elevated threat level since 2006. Seems made up.

Giving away freedom in baby steps is scary too. It really sucks to be surveilled 24/7.. We already have enough virtual checkpoints in everyday life. I wonder what kind of tracking technology they'll be putting in this new ID? If its just a card to try and create a standard then I dont see how its any different than a passport.

Good point, I am sure it will have some kind of tracker in it.

sad thing is most people didnt even know the REAL ID Act was even passed. It was like a thief in the night

I didn't know ether, anymore I just know they are going to do what they want. All we can do is try to wake up those who are asleep.

It was like they hid it in a bill and no one really knew about it. I knew it was coming being a truck driver and I have to keep track of stuff like this. It has become a pain in the butt to change your license over from one state to another.