MIND CONTROL METHODS - Part 4 - OBFUSCATIONsteemCreated with Sketch.

in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)

This series examines mind control methods that are being used to enslave humanity.

What is obfuscation?

By definition, it means to make difficult to perceive or understand.    

Why is obfuscation used as a method of mind control, and ultimately, as a form of social control?

A knowledge and power gap is created between those who believe the lies and those who perpetuate the lies.  Those who believe the lies to be truth can be manipulated at will by those who perpetrate the lies.    

Obfuscation can be executed with various methods.  The ones we’ll examine are:

Projecting lies to be truth 

Masking simplicity with complexity 

Lie by omission – Half-truth

First, a look at projecting lies to be truth.


True meaning of the word Anarchy

Anarchy – Without rulers/masters – In other words, Anarchy means Liberty


Obfuscated meaning of the word “anarchy” that is falsely believed to be true by many people.   

Chaos, violence.

What caused this to happen? How could the meaning of such an important word be completely reversed in the mind?

Do a quick experiment, if you’d like.  Do an internet search with the term “anarchist protest violence” and see what happens.

You’ll see a plethora of propaganda pieces from various so-called “news” outlets, in which the terms “violence” and “anarchists” are repeatedly associated.  In the mind of the passive consumer of information, who doesn’t give these terms any analysis or thought, the terms become instantly associated with one another and almost interchangeable.  

This obfuscation makes this passive consumer of information to believe a lie to be truth. (that violence is anarchy, which is the opposite of truth, as we have already established)

Let’s move on to the second form of obfuscation, masking simplicity with complexity.  

The purpose of this type of obfuscation is to make a person disinterested and inactive on a given subject.    

Example: Monetary System

Something that should be simple enough for anyone to actively understand and participate in the creation of, the voluntary trade of goods and services between individuals or groups of individuals, is obfuscated by the current monetary and “free trade” system.    

One need look no further than the derivatives, credit default swaps, and other fraudulent tools of financial confusion and destruction to see what I’m referring to here.  Remember the "crash" of 2007-2008? How many people really understand the terms associated with it and how it happened?  It's meant to be confusing, so people will shrug and "let the experts" handle it.



Another stark example of trade being conveyed as necessarily complex is the General Agreement On Tariffs And Trade from the World Trade Organization.    


Can anyone look at these various aspects of the current “economic system” and honestly believe that trade is necessarily so complex? Really? Trade of goods and services requires endless piles of legalese and restrictions?  

Think about it.

Law is another vitally important aspect of our environment that is obfuscated on a huge scale.  Nobody can know the extent of man’s law.  It’s far too complex and contradictory.  Not only that, but laws are constantly changing and in a state of flux, which obfuscates true law even more.    

What to I mean by true law?

The Natural Law of Liberty, which is quite simple.    

Don’t initiate actions that harm another individual.   

When this is obfuscated by man’s law, confusion about the objective difference between right and wrong is the result.

Let’s move on to another method of obfuscation, lying by omission, or half-truths.    

A simple example is when a so-called “news” report about “global warming” mentions the term “scientific consensus”.    

The glaring omission is that thousands of scientists from various specialized fields of environmental study do not agree with the conclusions of the so-called consensus.    

List of scientists who disagree with the "scientific consensus".


This lie by omission leads the passive listener to a predetermined belief, based on a one-sided field of information.    

One final manipulation of the mind via obfuscation that I’d like to touch on is the term “foreign aid”.

This term is repeated constantly in the oligarch-controlled corporate media in the United States.  It is meant to appeal to the emotion of the viewer/listener, as most people generally want to help others, especially in places they perceive as poor.  The term “foreign aid” projects some vague notion of humanitarian assistance to the bulk of a population in a given territory.  However, this is far from the truth.    

While it is technically “aid”, it rarely trickles down to the vast majority of the population.  The benefactors often end up being corporations, politicians, or NGOs.  The objectives of the ones directing the “aid” are to gain influence in the region and to dominate the natural resources.  This, of course, is never reported on the six o’clock news.    

Useful places to research USAID.




Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from pixabay


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Excellent post sir.
It' very difficult to understand in todays world, how so many people are still 'turned off' to what is actually going on.

I was in a bar last night, talking to two guys (English and Norwegian), over 50.
They really were so unaware of what was going in in the world.
After 20 minutes of expalining some basic truths, I gave up.

I left, with them looking at me like I was really stupid...(ok, fair enough. lol)

...there is no real way we can work out the amount of people that a 'red pilled' to any extent,...I always think it's more than I think it is, I think...

Thanks for the comment. Yeah, I hear ya. It's hard to talk to people about truth face to face, especially in the situation you describe, where you're outnumbered. Thankfully, I think that more people are "red pilled" now than there were a decade or two ago.....I think

Great article- thanks- The works of Kafka come to mind.

No to slavery. Good post.

Everything you post is right on. Being confused keeps you from finding out the truth, even when you are normally a smart person.

Yep, that's right. Not only that, but being confused causes uncertainty and fear, which makes people easier to manipulate.