RE: How I Became an Anarchist And Why You Should Too (AKA: We're All Born Anarchists)

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How I Became an Anarchist And Why You Should Too (AKA: We're All Born Anarchists)

in anarchy •  6 years ago 

Thanks again for responding. It is nice to get into a good conversation every once in a while. :)

It has also NOT existed in many periods and places, and nothing about the past is pre-determining about the current or present, especially since we are in the ONLY time that things like mass communication, 3D printing, etc. exist.

First of all, without the brave men of the past that fought for our country's continued existence, we wouldn't be here today. We sure as hell wouldn't have the technology or lax lifestyles we all enjoy and take for granted. Meaning the past has quite literally determined the current state of the world.
We may have the technology, but as I keep stating: we are still just animals. Humans are similar to all other mammals. We've all evolved on this same planet over billions of years and share many similarities. The powers that be actually control large swathes of our population by utilizing our most visceral emotions and animal instincts. Of which can be witnessed throughout the animal kingdom. Such as natural selection (going with the herd.)
They use this to sway public opinion and fulfill their own vile plots against humanity. It is made all the easier with the use of technology. Meaning there would have to be a complete overthrow and elimination of such powers before we start seeing any sort of real freedom with these marvels of science.

If humans are inherently bad and need to be controlled, then there CANNOT possibly be the mechanisms of government, because those bad actors will always take control of those systems. If humans are inherently good, then there is simply no reason to ever create those systems.

Once again, we are animals. It all depends on how we are brought up. If animals are beaten or abused, they more often than not grow up with mental issues and are generally malevolent beings. Meaning humans are only good if they are raised to be good, which is an impossibility in today's world unless we quite literally control everyone's life. Sure, they can change when shown love and affection. But they can also be taken advantage of and have their malevolence used for some bad actor's illicit scheme.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for getting rid of governments for good and using technology as a means to propel humanity forward. They've all been controlled by religions and the banking industry for centuries anyway. Since before the Knights Templar in the 1100's, actually. But we need a structured society with a limited set of laws (like the Constitution) in order to prevent mass atrocities or usurpers from taking over.
For this to ever happen and remain indefinitely, we would need an Artificial General Intelligence that wouldn't be susceptible to corruption. One that could adapt and prevent the wicked from ever getting power. One that simply works toward true freedom for all.


The "founding fathers" were mostly complete statists, and had no interest in creating more freedom, simply in replacing the king with themselves.

I couldn't disagree with you more here. Simply They were well-versed in human history. They were quite literally geniuses in their day and age.
By following the framework of past Republics, they created a government with 3 separate branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. All of which were separate and held their own distinct purpose/power. Complete with a House and Senate that contained elected representatives to voice the opinions of their sovereign citizens. They formed the perfect form of representative government for our imperfect kind. Along with the means to properly protect it from oligarchs and despots.
As I stated before, it was only when the bankers and their ilk infiltrated our government when things became wretched and corrupt.
If they wanted to be kings, believe me, George Washington could have easily of secured the role. What would be the point in that though? They fought a bloody revolution to escape such fates. Why enact what they fought so valiantly to rid themselves of?

It was also fraudulently passed to allow them to take control of the continent because the Articles of Confederation did not allow for taxation, standing military, etc.

Can you clarify this fraudulence claim or back it up with some data?
I already answered this in my last post about the congress' printed currency going into insolvency due to the states being unable to pay their dues, which would have inevitably led to our country's extinction. Without a standing military, we would have never of expanded our territory. We also would have more than likely lost the War of 1812, which would have led to us being recaptured by Great Britain. Without either taxes or military, we would have more than likely been taken over by the French, Spanish, or as stated prior, British, before the War of 1812. Seeing as how they all owned territory surrounding the original thirteen colonies.

reinforcing my point that we have no lack of something in the past means that we can't accomplish that thing now or in the future.

My point is that without the heroes of the past that bravely fought against tyranny and gave their lives so we could be here today, we wouldn't have the means to even fathom what we are currently capable of. If it wasn't for those brave humans of the past, the present would be a far different, far more dreary place than it currently is. Don't hate or look down on those that sacrificed everything they had to bring about what you have today.
Thanks to them, America remains one of the freest countries in the world to this day. I know that's scary because we aren't all that free, but just think of how it would be without our founding documents. Think of how it would be if we had no Constitution to defend ourselves from the wicked. Especially one that gives We the People the power to make and to alter our Constitutions of Government.

In the words of Ronald Reagan:

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."

Thank you again for your time. I hope you have a great day!

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