in anarchy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Change comes when we embrace the fact that we are adaptable.

When we allow ourselves to follow our instincts and help others along the way.

The world is changing, it is becoming more open. We are mixing, connecting with more and more people, allowing us to celebrate our similarities and differences in equal measure. We are now faced with this unique opportunity because of this global community we are part of, to come together and learn from our past. To really guide the future in the way we want to see it going!

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We live in a time when we can no longer claim ignorance, the information is all there for those who are willing and brave enough to look for it. Here on steemit there are so many people who have been putting alot of time and effort into bringing this truth out, exposing the lies that we have been continuously fed. We may have centuries of conditioning to undo in order to lessen this divide, this disconnection and get rid of this mechanical world view.

But we most remember that we have this amazing ability to self heal, regenerate and grow.

We have started to reach out, to educate to support one another. we are learning through our own and others experiences. We are evolving.

Communication is the key, many minds are better than one.

I became part of this global community through Steemit. I have learnt so much from other people on here, that has really opened my eyes, warmed my heart and heighten my desire for change. This is part of the solution that we need to see happening. Connecting with others who share your views, and experience the injustice that is happening. Who have made lifestyle changes and changes in their way of thinking. Who actively want to reach out to others.

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We are all diverse, adaptable and intelligent, if we are willing to be open, expand our hearts and our minds and let go of this old view of ourselves as separate from the rest of life on earth, we can become more interconnected with all life.

We are the ones to make the change that needs to happen.

To bring down the many fortresses that oppress and terrorise us.

To some of the many on here that are making a difference:
@kryptocoin, @markwhittam,@canadian-coconut,
@article61, @richq11, @familyprotection, @misslasvegas, @vickiebarker,@solarsupermama,@crosheille and the wonderful passengers on the eco-train.


Image Source for rise up to the challenge:

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Great little rally call post :)

And of course you are right ~ those of us who are aware have an obligation to try and rouse those who rest in slumber.

I have read several interesting articles on Universal Basic Income here recently and decided to write a piece about it from a spiritual perspective. I would love your thoughts on it if you have a spare moment:

Hoping your week has got off to a great start.


Cheers @ldacey-laforge for your comment, will check out your post.

Great timing!
@team-solutions has promoted your post :)
Thank you for the great content.

thank you @team-solutions, keep up the great work.

The Conductor 😎

truth coming from the man himself! love your style @likedeeler

This was great @trucklife-family! A nice challenge for people to get out there and connect as well as sharing our life experiences to help others along the way. I am so grateful for this plattform because it has opened my eyes to a lot and helped me see where change and awareness is needed.

Thank you so much for the shout-out! You too are making a huge difference and impact on here as well :)

thank you @crosheille, we really have a great opportunity with all these great minds on here.

Absolutely! Agreed :)

Such passion! You're right. Reaching out to others and connecting on a global scale like on this platform is incredibly empowering.

thank you @shivvi,what you said is right on, it's so important to bring people together.

wholeheartedly agree! i echo these words,
"I have learnt so much from other people on here, that has really opened my eyes, warmed my heart and heighten my desire for change. This is part of the solution that we need to see happening."

.... steemit is a living place where we see people from all over the world, from all walks of life ... sharing, coming together, inspiring.. spurring one another one. it is the seed tank gestating so many good actions, i feel.



Yeah, thank you @mountainjewel for your inspiring words of truth, ' seed tank' love it x

This is great @trucklife-family. I love the line that we have an amazing ability to self-heal, regenerate and grow. Both collectively and individually. Becoming aware is a key part of this. Knowledge is power and steemit is a great place to build that awareness.

Thanks Sam

@trucklife-family very powerful article and message, I totally resonate, I'm with you!! it's so beautiful to be part of the change, feel blessed, honoured and humbled to meet such incredible like-minded and like-hearted beings like you here! my life has definitely been taken to the next level since I joined Steemit a month ago! wow! wow! so much love.. I love your articles!

Thank you so much @bristena94, I do love to write and steemit is such a positive tool for change, it's exciting, great having you here too x

Thanks for the shout out mama! We are definitely responsible to keep sharing the truth as best we know and understand it. And I love the Socrates quote. My oldest boy recently shared a quote with me from one of the founders of the Black Panthers. I am paraphrasing here, but it is something like, "If there is a problem with the revolution, it is that we fight out of hatred for the oppressor, rather than for love of the oppressed. Important distinction. This community is so powerful, and I believe we can make a tremendous difference.

yes yes yes, we are definitely on the same page x