In Consideration of Anarchy - A Developing Philosophy

in anarchy •  6 years ago  (edited)

In Consideration of Anarchy

 We have a problem. There’s a big elephant in the room. By room I mean Oval Office, and by elephant, I mean Trump. The icon that is Trump, is a symbolic output of a System whose function is to represent the peoples collective ideas, ideologies, religions, morals, dogmas, social attitudes and tendencies, and serve as a general tool of evolution for the collective fate of those who pledge allegiance to that Symbol and if you’re like me, then the Pledge of Allegiance was apart of your public school duty. I’ve learned a good motto for these legionaries could be “with Congress, comes progress.” This System was designed to maintain social order utilizing representational power from its citizens. Donald Trump is just one of many red flags that indicate that the System has failed. What was a system of democracy initiated by our founding fathers, has become corrupted. The means of representation have been meddled with; there were some backdoor deals, money was exchanged, and one thing has been made to seem like another. By what appears to be dark magic, our sovereign republic under God, has been usurped by a despotic tyranny mastered by demagogues whose main purpose is to maintain the illusion that the System is still operating correctly.

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