This is for you, Larken, and Jared, too.

in anarchylibrary •  8 years ago  (edited)

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Ok, so I have taken on a tough row to hoe.

I have called out some of the highest profile 'anarchists' on the web for not being anarchists, but instead being in the service of the oligarchs as shills. 

Albeit, potentially as dupes. Maybe they just haven't done the reading.

It ain't easy escaping the mindset of the paradigms forced onto us as children.

Unless you seek out knowledge intentionally hidden from you, you know only what somebody more knowledgeable than you wants you to know.

You can't know that you don't know something.

Just look at how you define crapitalism and 'communism'.

I guess I should lay out my case in depth.

Hmm,...  How to convert an-craps to an-comms in the most proficient manner? 

I could tell you how I was blathering along about my new found anarcho-crapitalism on Infoshop's forum when I got into a conversation with an an-comm that I just bulldogged to the figurative ground.

I went on and on ad naseum about how only money could motivate folks to do things for other folks.

That folks would never do things for others out of the simple love for humanity that they embrace.

That folks could never put the well being of others over their own greed.

That wars for profit were far better than cooperation for peace.

He finally gave up when I asked him how he would feel if we collectively distributed his mother's shoes.

I went back some years later after I had finally found where he was coming from, and that I was a supreme ass, he wasn't there.

Sadly he was even from my hometown. I could've met him in person.

I kept going back until they wiped that database and started a new one.

This seemed quite a waste of resources built up over the years, but you'll have to ask Chuck why he did that, if he did in fact wipe the servers.

As you can see, the hundreds of threads are no longer available.

So, as I was saying, I was an-crapping along when my life took me into a country where I was not proficient in the language, I crossed the border with less than 10 words, so I spent an inordinate amount of time with my nose in my laptop reading from The Anarchist Library.

I first worked at a bus maintenance depot as an electrical mechanic.

10 hours a day with a two hour lunch for about $20 a day, at the time.

I didn't know this was good wages until later.

I hated giving all my daylight hours to a job I wasn't proficient at, so I quit.

I thought I would teach english, but the culture was far to conservative to accept me as a bastion of civic pride, so I ran off with the carnival when they passed through town.

It was during the 10 months that I worked for them that I found anywhere from 4 to 10 hours in a day to read.

And let me tell you, it was quite a list:

Anton LeVay

Externalizing the Heirarchy by Alice Bailey

Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike

The Conquest of Bread by P. Kropotkin

Various titles by our wonderful predeceasor Emma Goldman

What is Property by Proudhon

 Various titles by Alex Berkman

The Unknown Revolution by Voline

Nestor Makhno

Lysander Spooner

Various titles at MondoPolitico

As you can see that is quite an extensive list.

It was this book that caused me to understand why crapitalism is a scourge on the earth.

In fact, Ed Bellamy can be blamed for me beggining to identify as a communist and to begin to struggle to take back the definition as stolen by the state owned crapitalusts the world over.

You can know communism by it's lack of wages, bankster oligarchs, war, poverty, and sex slavery.

What you know as communism, is not.

This short story first clued me in that a world not based on money, but on your own honesty, was not just possible, but preferable.

None of these books are new, most are older than any of us here.

The problems of gov't are not new, these politicians are just following traditions built up over thousands of years. What is new is you.

What is to blame is your lack of knowledge

Knowledge collected and sequestered at great expense.

Secret programs.

Torturous mind control experiments.

Evil oligarchs. 

Pushing drugs.

You name it, all in the name of our lord and savior, crapitalism.

So, having had time to digest all these wonderfully knowledgable authors, I devised a solution to the problem.

I knew the solution would have to be concise.

I knew sound bites are how crowds communicate.

I knew if I followed the right dance steps I could make rain fall from the sky.

I looked for a handbook on revolutions, I found the one that inspired the arab spring.

After condensing those hundreds of thousands of words and scores of authors covering centuries of learning, it finally hit me: Keep working, stop paying.

As long as the work is done, the goods are available for consumption whether the oligarchs take their 'profits' by force, or not.

As long as Suzy Shelf-Stocker doesn't  stop stocking, Mike the miner keeps mining, Tony the trucker keeps trucking, Millie the miller keeps milling, Manfred the manufacturer keeps manufacturing, and Ralph the refiner keeps refining, the goods are on the shelf whether the accounting department falls in a lake or joins in on the production to reduce everybody's total work hours.

While I'm at it with the sound bites,....

World Peace could be stated simply with the following maxim:

World Peace in 20 Words or Less!!

It is wrong to force a person to do anything that that person doesn't want to do.

Pretty simple, huh?

Our consumer tradition can be continued by the workers simply continuing to work while not paying for anything.

Why do we do all the work and then have to pay this guy for the privilege of getting it back from him.

Why do you let us be forced into (wage) slavery by hunger and exposure?

I'll tell you why.

Because you are happy with your cat videos, beer, nascar, nba, cooking shows, and cop shows. 

Mindlessly melding with a flashylightbox has become the highest desire in our day.

If we can only be left alone to find our solace in the mindless drivel, microwave ovens, and steel belted radials that distract us from the reality of the crapitalust world around us. 

All because you accept the slavery of your mind to ideas that you don't question.

The children of the world thank you.

I despise your apathy.

Have a perfectly peaceful day.



Whoohoo!  Born to lose!!

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