Anatomical differences between dicot stem and monocot stem

in anatomical •  6 years ago 

Dicot stem

  1. Hypodermis is made up of collenchymatous cells.
  2. Ground tissue is differentiated into cortex, endodermis, pericycle and pith.
  3. Starch sheath is present.
  4. Pith is present.
  5. Pericycle is present.
  6. Medullary rays are present.
  7. Vascular bundles are open.
  8. Vascular bundles are arranged
    in a ring. in the ground tissue.
  9. Bundle cap is present.
  10. Protoxylem lacuna is absent.
  11. Phloem parenchyma is present.

monocot stem

  1. Hypodermis is made up of sclerenchymatous cells.
  2. Ground tissue is not differentiated, but it is a continuous mass of parenchyma
  3. Starch sheath is absent.
  4. Pith is absent.
  5. Pericycle is absent.
  6. Medullary rays are absent.
  7. Vascular bundles are closed.
  8. Vascular bundles are scattered.
  9. Bundle sheath is present.
  10. Protoxylem lacuna is present.
  11. Phloem parenchyma is absent
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