Is There Evidence the Ancients Had Advanced Technology? Have You Seen the Numerous Artifacts, OoParts Depicted in Universities & Museums? Why Do Schools Teach a History That Leaves Out Artifacts & Facts Out? Who is in charge of what you know?

in ancientinventions •  2 years ago  (edited)

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According to Interesting Engineering,

When the Antikythera mechanism was first discovered, it left scholars deeply confused, and for a good reason. This ancient invention was discovered on the small geographically unique Greek island called Antikythera, an island located between the more popularly known islands of Kythera and Crete. The device was found in 1901 in sunken wreckage by divers out looking for sponges. On the wreckage, divers found beautifully preserved artifacts that dated back nearly 2,200 years, nothing too out of the ordinary, until they came across a greenish encrusted lump.

At first glance, you might think that the Antikythera mechanism is nothing to write home about. It looks like a rock with patches of mold. But, upon further inspection, you will see gears that were functional at some point, pieces that resemble an old clock. Upon its discovery, there were a few groups of scholars willing to call the device the part of an ancient computer, yet this was initially written off. The mystery behind the Antikythera did not start to break ground until the 1970s and 1990s. And guess what? It was a computer.

In short, the idea is that it was part of an ancient analog computer complete with bronze components stored in a wooden box. It has been speculated that the ancient invention was used to travel as the device was able to "replicate the motions of the heavens." The device would have not been any bigger than a mantel clock that you have at home. However, rather than display time as we know it, it would display celestial time, using the planets as guides. What is weird about this device is that if it was commonly used, wouldn't we have found more? In the world of archaeology, we have yet to come across something as sophisticated and advanced...yet.

How about Napalm before Napalm was ever known or had a name?

The Battle of Blackwater is one of the most memorable scenes in Game of Thrones, with the battle being decided by an intense green fire that could not be put out with water, and that to burn endlessly. What if I told you that this battle is partially based on history? The ancient invention, Greek fire, was a devastating invention, playing an essential role in the crusades.

First invented in 672 AD by the Eastern Roman Empire, the fire was known as many different things like sea fire, Roman fire, or war fire. The military weapon made its debut on the historic stage when the Byzantines were attacked by a massive naval fleet of their current enemy, the Muslims. The attacking force had never seen anything like Greek fire before, burning ships, people, and even burning on top of the water. The Greeks very literally hosed their enemies down with fire.

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a fire hose (shoots fire, not water) to fire grenades. Enemies of the Greeks did smarten up and find ways to put out the fire using vinegar and old urine. Nevertheless, no one has ever been able to recreate Greek fire. The secret was tightly guarded for centuries.

The closest modern technology has come to creating Greek fire is Napalm. Nevertheless, no one has come up with the ancient invention's formula yet.

Find more here,

So the Ancients clearly worked at the Causative Level Above the Physical level. Why did this eventually go away?

Was it due to those who wanted to capitalize on cures by turning them into quick pills and fixes with side effects to create reoccurring customers? You decide!

What did we just watch go down?

Consider the controllers/elitists/those with money and means but it's not enough so they want POWER. . .whose names are all over Foundations in an attempt to "Virtue Signal?" Go look around.

Check out the info on who funded Bill Gates Event 201, which occurred on the Very Same day as the 7th World Military Games held in Wuhan, China.

Check out how both events featured the UN or people as "players" in both.

What gives?
All just a mere #Coincidence or is it that #ThereAreNoCoincidences?

Check it out inside of here, quite telling. . .especially as the Funders of Event 201 was a group started by two people. . .Dustin Moskivitz and Cari Tuna. ..a husband and wife team.

Dustin was one of the founders of Facebook and Cari wrote for the Wall Street Journal.

Are these people placed and given power and success by accident or are they part of the controllers' agenda? Just mere coincidence or is there something more at play? You decide!

Why are their funds always filtered through their own organizations and going back into funneling political leaders and elitists they wish to further if they are for the "Greater Good?"

How is it with all of those vast funds, numerous mansions, vehicles, private planes and trips they are not able to get their heads together and solve World Hunger and homelessness? Are there some Big Tells there?

Why are they always funding the synthetic rather than the natural if they really want to help and are all about "nature" and the climate? You know why? #YouAlreadyKnow, #WhenYouKnowYouKNOW

The ancients knew the metaphysical gave rise to the physical, but today we manipulate the physical directly.

Does this have something to do with controlling and enslaving the population?

What if humanity didn't know they had other physical abilities?
What if they didn't understand the power they possessed from their Creator to heal themselves as they are made in HIS image?

Would this allow the nefarious who wish to control said powerful beings an open door or gateway if they instead became reliant on the "fixes" and synthetic meds of the controllers?

Could those coming in as the "saviors" create the problem and chaos, then come in to save with their very own cures and laws?

Now just WHOM are those "cures" and laws REALLY benefiting?

Don't you already know?

Do the controllers and elitists help to orchestrate FUD?
Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt then capitalize upon it once destruction happens by rebuilding and using their own network to profit?

Take Haiti for one. . .have you read Clinton Cash?

What about the people used by the Clintons and others after they boasted about destroying Libya?

What really happened in Benghazi?

What happened in Ukraine and who all profited?

There is often confusion about vital life force being electromagnetic energy, yet look at all of the patents in place to induce certain phenomena from electronics and you know first hand, though we all engage on our devices. ..not all of the frequencies are good or humanity.

For instance, check out. . .

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Notice what it is called straight out.
Do they Have to tell you what they are doing before doing it to you according to Universal Law? You know they do!

Have they fulfilled their requirement by Universal Code?
You decide!

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What if they found out years ago. . .did they not have access due to their money, power and control. . .that. . .the body was indeed affected by the electromagnetic field and made moves to utilize for Their purpose rather than to aid and assist the God given powers of humanity as also being a spirit and soul?

What really resides in your body as you are created in the Image Of God! What are Transverse Waves and what energy do they produce and work off of? The Same energy that shatters lead crystal can destroy a bridge? Can this be done on the microscopic level?

Was the solution given by Rudolf Steiner?
He talked about the vital life force being at a level above the physical. . .which coincides with all classical writings in ancient history.

This was referred to as Scalar Waves by Nikola Tesla.

Check this article and replies to find out more,

These higher energies from the vibrational level were referred to as the Etheric in the Greek tradition
Qi in the Chinese tradition
Ki in Japan
Prana in Indiana

Every tradition had a name for it.
That energy penetrates down into the physical and animates physical substance.

The human physical body without this etheric energy is a corpse and people who feel they must See it with their Physical eyes to believe it cannot figure out how to use it to their benefit as it is part of their God given power.

It animates physical substance, but in doing this, it slows down below the speed of light and begins to disintegrate.

As it disintegrates, it gets to be retarded Hertzian waves as described by Tesla and becomes the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

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The problem is we've created a very powerful technology that is very powerful at manipulating physical structures, but does not take into account what the effect of the Vibrations from this are on actual living beings.

Do you not see them more and more?
I saw them Everywhere, even attempts to disguise them as tropical trees and other parts of nature in an attempt to get them to blend in.

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Because the actual Living aspect of biological life has been stripped out of modern biology.

If you try to talk about Life Force in modern biology, they will claim that you are a victim of vitalist fallacy.

So the knowledge of thousands of years of observation and particular techniques in higher Veda, Chinese medicine, Mayan healing, and all types of traditions all over the world have been completely cast out by Western medicine and other countries that consider themselves "civilized." Why is that?

Why would you disregard the knowledge base and this coming from those who claim to be about multiculturalism? What's missing?

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What gives?

Now in having identified both the Electromagnetic and Physical spectrums, the French succeeded in identifying the Vibrational spectrum.

This contains information on the Voynich Manuscript if you scroll down.

Just what were people from past era's trying to tell us?
Clearly a way of communication?

Evidence the ancients had advanced technologies.

This was found in a mountain range in Kosovo.

This is similar in design to a transformer dated by analysts to be over 20,000 years old.

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The way in which the copper wires wrap around the stone is similar to a toroidal inductor, which is a component used in electronic circuits.

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use magnetic cores with a toroidal (ring or donut) shape. They are passive electronic components, consisting of a circular ring or donut shaped magnetic core of ferromagnetic material such as laminated iron, iron powder, or ferrite, around which wire is wound.

Although closed-core inductors and transformers often used cores with a square shape in the past, the use of toroidal-shaped cores has significantly increased because of their superior electrical performance. The advantage of the toroidal shape is that, due to its symmetry, the amount of magnetic flux that escapes outside the core (leakage flux) is low, therefore it is more efficient and thus radiates less electromagnetic interference (EMI).

Toroidal inductors and transformers are used in a wide range of electronic circuits: power supplies, inverters, and amplifiers, which in turn are used in the vast majority of electrical equipment: TVs, radios, computers, and audio systems.

Because the toroid is a closed-loop core, it will have a higher magnetic field and thus higher inductance and Q factor than an inductor of the same mass with a straight core (solenoid coils). This is because most of the magnetic field is contained within the core.

In physics and engineering, the quality factor or Q factor is a dimensionless parameter that describes how underdamped an oscillator or resonator is. It is defined as the ratio of the initial energy stored in the resonator to the energy lost in one radian of the cycle of oscillation.[1] Q factor is alternatively defined as the ratio of a resonator's centre frequency to its bandwidth when subject to an oscillating driving force.

A pendulum suspended from a high-quality bearing, oscillating in air, has a high Q, while a pendulum immersed in oil has a low one. Resonators with high quality factors have low damping, so that they ring or vibrate longer.

The Q factor is a parameter that describes the resonance behavior of an underdamped harmonic oscillator (resonator). Sinusoidally driven resonators having higher Q factors resonate with greater amplitudes (at the resonant frequency) but have a smaller range of frequencies around that frequency for which they resonate; the range of frequencies for which the oscillator resonates is called the bandwidth.

High-Q oscillators oscillate with a smaller range of frequencies and are more stable.

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Components of ancient machinery were discovered in the Ural Mountains in Russia.

When geologists were trying to extract gold from rocks, they can upon some ancient technology.

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Ural Mountains (Russia) When a team of archaeologists conducted a “geological survey of gold mining” in the Russian Urals, they were shocked to discover numerous strange and mysterious microscopic objects near the banks of the Kozhim, Narada and Balbanyu Rivers. The strange nano-pieces like metal coils, spirals and similar objects are part of a list of unidentified components discovered during geological missions in the Urals. The strange part is that these pieces were embedded in 100,000 year old rock, so they can’t be part of modern machinery. The age of these mysterious nanostructures put them on the list of “Out of Place Artifacts (OOPArt)” given that researchers estimate them to be 300,000 years old. The miniature metal parts were found at a depth of 3 to 12 meters.

An OOPArt (Out of Place Artifact) is a unique and poorly understood object that can be found in historical, archaeological, or paleontological records that fall into the anomalous category. These objects were found when and where they shouldn’t be, thus challenging the conventional understanding of history.

Although researchers have always drawn a simple and rational conclusion about these strange artifacts, many believe OOPArts may even reveal that humanity had a different level of civilization or sophistication than that described and understood by officials and scientists. Some even think that extraterrestrial intelligent beings are the reason for the existence of OOPArts. To date, researchers have found dozens of OOPArts that include the Antikythera Mechanism, the Maine Penny, the Shroud of Turin, the Baghdad Battery, the Saqqara Bird, the Ica Stone, the Stone Balls of Costa Rica, the London Hammer and many more.

The Russian Academy of Sciences in Syktyvkar had run several tests on these mysterious nano-objects and the results were quite interesting as they found that the largest pieces were made from pure copper. The smaller ones are made of tungsten and molybdenum, the same metals that have been used in spacecraft and rockets due to their ability to withstand high temperatures. The smallest length is only 1 / 10,000th of an inch. Scientists involved in the study agreed that there was no technology to make these items 300,000 years ago.

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Since the time of the World War, the Urals have frequently triggered a number of mysterious events, the most famous of which is the Dyatlov Pass incident, where a group of trained Russian hikers were found dead under very mysterious circumstances. Since then, there have been many conspiracy theories, but to date the incident still remains a mystery. The area is also associated with numerous UFO sightings.

For some, these artifacts are proof that the human race experienced a technologically highly developed period in the Pleistocene (Ice Age), for others they are the work of aliens. Further research must have come to a standstill with the death of Johannes Fiebag, a leading expert in this field, so the mystery of the origin of these strange objects has not yet been solved.

According to Ancient Origins,

In 1991, the appearance of extremely tiny, coil-shaped artifacts found near the banks of Russia’s Kozhim, Narada, and Balbanyu rivers brought about a debate that has continued to this day. These mysterious and minuscule structures suggest that there may have been a culture capable of developing nanotechnology 300,000 years ago.

These manufactured coils were initially discovered during geological research associated with the extraction of gold in the Ural mountains. These pieces include coils, spirals, shafts, and other unidentified components.

According to an analysis from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Syktyvkar, the largest pieces found are mostly copper, while the smallest are made of tungsten and molybdenum.

The charicteristics of Molybdenum are very interesting! It is

  • a silvery-white metal that is ductile
  • highly resistant to corrosion.
  • It has one of the highest melting points of all pure elements — only the elements tantalum and tungsten have higher melting points.
  • Molybdenum is also a micronutrient essential for life.

It is recovered as a by-product of copper or tungsten mining. Molybdenum is mined primarily in the United States, China, Chile and Peru. World production is around 200,000 tons per year, according to the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

Back to what was found in the Ural Mountains,

While the largest of these objects measure 1.18 inches, the smallest are only 1/10,000th of an inch, and many exhibit Golden Mean proportions. Their shape suggests that they are manufactured and not naturally occurring metal fragments. In fact, they have been found to closely resemble the same miniature components of contemporary nanotechnology.

Though some have asserted that these tiny structures are merely debris left behind from test rockets being launched from nearby Plesetsk space station, a report from the Moscow Institute determined that they are far too old to have come from modern manufacturing.

In 1996, Dr. E.W. Matvejeva, from the Central Scientific Research Department of Geology and Exploitation of Precious Metals in Moscow, writes that, despite being thousands of years old, the components are of a technological origin.

The pieces were found at a depth between 10 and 40 feet, in a geological stratus between 20,000 and 318,000 years old.

How were humans able to manufacture such tiny components in the distant past, and what were they used for? Some believe that the coils prove the human race enjoyed a sophisticated level of technology in the Pleistocene era, while others assert that the findings are the work of extra-terrestrials.

Modern nano coils are made of completely different materials, so there is no mistaking these ancient components as modern ones under go V-L-S [Vapor, Liquid, Solid] while Molybdenum and Copper are not capable of being reformed in this manner.
Tungsten would have needed to be combined with Dulsulfide to carry out the method, but Dulsulfide was not found among these components.

Modern coils are not made in the way these were.

Ancient plug in a rock found in Texas

In 1988, an electrical engineer named John. J. Williams was enjoying a hiking trip in North America when he stumbled upon a weird artefact sticking out of the ground. He was amazed to find a 100,000 year old electrical plug embedded in a rock. The ancient artefact is one of the most amazing objects ever found that still sparks a lot of curiosity. Could it be an authentic proof that highly intelligent civilizations lived on Earth 100,000 years ago? We have to admit that it is strange that the artifact was found by an electrical engineer.

After noticing the device protruding of the ground, the engineer dug deeper, only to find out that the plug was embedded in a rock. Many people are skeptical about this object especially because Williams did not disclose the location where he found the plug. However, the object becomes more strange as people tried to study its properties. The size of the electrical plug is about 8 mm in diameter and the pins are 3 mm high. The space between the pins is about 2.5 mm with a thickness of 1 mm. The rock in which is embedded posses some qualities that are favorable for electrical systems. The rock contains quartz, feldspar and mica.

Some people even offered John J. Williams 500,000 dollars for this artifact, but he refused the offer. The 100,000 year old electrical plug does not contain glue, resin or any other type of substance to keep it stuck in the rock.

These incredible objects seem to appear all over the world, revealing that the history is not really as we studied in school. But most of the times, these objects only make the history more mysterious than ever. What do you think? Is this an objects that used to belong to an ancient highly technologically developed civilizations or is just a very elaborated hoax?

The plug is very similar to a 3 pronged outlet plug used only in countries far from the United States, including South Africa, Singapore and India.

It would be impossible for a plug of this type to become embedded in stone in the United States.
Glue, acrylics and other bonders were not used to hold it in place.

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According to Ancient Origins,
The Disc of Sabu: Ancient Egyptian Water Pump or Alien Hyperdrive

The Tomb of Prince Sabu
Anyone visiting the sprawling museum of antiquities in Cairo will be awed by the wealth of Ancient Egyptian treasures contained inside it. From the famed treasures found in the Tomb of Tutankhamun, to the pharaonic statues and well-preserved mummies, this museum is the number one stop for all lovers of this ancient culture. But while you will be dazzled by these popular treasures, one curious item can be easily overlooked. The Disc of Sabu.

This odd item is circular in shape and measures roughly 610 millimeters (24 inches) in diameter and roughly 104 millimeters (4 inches) in height. It was discovered in 1936 by a renowned British Egyptologist, Mr. Walter Bryan Emery, and has been dated to the earliest periods of Ancient Egypt.

Emery devoted his career to excavations in the Nile River valley, and between 1935 and 1939 he conducted numerous surveys and digs in the burial grounds of Saqqara. The resting grounds of many high-status individuals from the early dynastic period, Saqqara is one of the oldest and largest necropolises from Ancient Egypt.

Of course, digging in Saqqara yielded many important and valuable items, but none so odd as the Disc of Sabu. Emery discovered it while excavating the tomb of Prince Sabu, a First Dynasty governor and the son of the famed Pharaoh Anedjib

Sadly, little is known of Anedjib’s son, Prince Sabu. He did not succeed his father on the throne, but still received an honorable burial at Saqqara. History does not record a lot of details about the dynastic relations in the First Dynasty, so we may never know of Sabu’s fate, his exact role in the court, or the political events of that time. Emery writes that Sabu was likely a high official and an administrator of a province, both during the reigns of Pharaoh Den (likely his grandfather), and his father Anedjib.

The Mysteries Beneath the Sands of Saqqara
The Mastaba (tomb) of Prince Sabu was discovered on the very edge of the plateau in the northern part of Saqqara. It was situated roughly 1.7 kilometers (1.1 miles) north of the iconic Stepped Pyramid of Djoser . Designated as “Tomb 3111”, it was excavated by Emery on January 10th, 1936.

The tomb consisted of seven funerary chambers, each strewn with assorted grave goods. The largest room held the body of Prince Sabu, which was accompanied by many funerary items. Most of these were nothing out of the ordinary - animal bones, flint implements, pottery vessels, ivory items, stone bowls. But one item stood out like a sore thumb: Emery discovered a curious disc, broken into numerous pieces.

Once painstakingly re-assembled, the Disc of Sabu intrigued many leading Egyptologists. The disc-shaped object resembles a round-bottomed bowl and has three extremely thinly carved, curving lobes at roughly 120 degree intervals around the bowl’s periphery. These lobes are separated from the rim by three biconvex holes.

The Baghdad Battery
Predynastic Egypt: Life Before the Pyramids
In the center of the disc is a thin tube, roughly 10 centimeters in diameter. The object is constructed of metasiltstone, elsewhere referred to as schist. This is a porous, fragile rock that would be extremely difficult to carve - especially in such delicate detail.

metamorphism—i.e., changes resulting from high temperatures, pressures, and deformation.

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The thin tube 10 inches in diameter indicates that a rod of some sort was intended to be placed into the opening to hold or propel the disc.

If the disc is moved up and down rather than rotating it, more water is displaced.
Was it intended to be used in this manner?

You can tell by the dips and angles this would allow water to be easily scooped up and carried up a pipe. Even another liquid like mercury which has been discovered in ancient tombs.

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In modern times, mercury is used in a variety of electronic devices.

A lot of ancients used mercury because it represented water and was used to ward off evil spirits.

A Navy Ship's discovery in 1964 that looked like an antenna
The Eltanin Antenna is an object photographed on the sea floor by the Antarctic oceanographic research ship USNS Eltanin in 1964, while photographing the sea bottom west of Cape Horn.

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Object discovered by the oceanographic research ship USNS Eltanin crew.

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Due to its regular antenna-like structure and upright position on the seafloor at a depth of 3,904 metres (12,808 ft), some proponents of fringe and UFO-related theories including Bruce Cathie have suggested that it might be an extraterrestrial artifact.[1] Other authorities have suggested that the object photographed by the Eltanin was an unusual carnivorous sponge, Chondrocladia concrescens .

The height comparison sure does make one wonder how it was natural. . .

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Most sponges?
Easy to identify at such depths? You decide.

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The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also recorded a strange sound that has been dubbed the Bloop.
It was in 1997 near the location of the Eltanin Antena.

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The sound patterns do not add up to an iceberg breaking away from a glacier.

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How about the Wedge of Aidu?

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The Aluminum wedge of Aiud is also known as the Object of Auid, and is one of the most mysterious and controversial objects of our time. According to some articles, it was found in 1973 in Romania, on the banks of the Mures River. According to articles and reports, the object was found under 35 feet of sand. The object was found alongside mastodon bones.

The aluminum mystery

The main reason why there are conspiracy theories linked with the aluminum wedge of auid is the fact that the artifact is made out of aluminum, a material that was not known to mankind up until the 1800s. On the other hand, there are evidences that the wedge is approximately 10,000 years old. The exact composition of the wedge is 89% aluminum, 6,2% copper, 1,8% zinc, 2,84% silicon, 0,11% cadmium, 0,0024% nickel, 0,0023% cobalt and some other metals in extremely small amounts. Production of aluminum requires heat of at least 1,000 degrees and the material was found in 1808 and the mass production began in 1885. The wedge is covered with thick oxide layer that is at least 300 or 400 years old. Once found, the object was transferred to the Archeological Institute of Cluj-Napoca where it was examined and the age was confirmed. There is no information about the dating technique used.

Aluminum cannot be extracted from ores without the use of smelting and complex machinery. what methods and technology Really existed in ancient times? How far ahead of us were they?

The object if Aiud appears to be an attachment for a larger piece of equipment like an excavator or bucket wheel excavator.

It could not come from a modern excavator, since aluminum alloys are not used to make excavator attachments in modern society.

Alloyed steel is what modern attachments are made from.

Remember the Clear Quartz Crystal Lens discovered in Nineveh, Iraq?
It was believed refraction only began being studied around 1,000 years ago.
Yet this lens is convexly curved to create magnification effects.
The flat edge around the perimeter of the glass seems to have been carved so that it could be held within a frame.
Either to be worn over the eye or to be placed into a telescope.

It is believed that the telescope was only invented in 1608 so how is this found quartz piece possible?

If the ancients had created lenses, then how difficult would it be for them to make telescopes?

Carvings on the Hoysaleshwara Temple in India depict people using what appear to be a seeing aid device.

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There is evidence people had created telescopes long before those who tell their story of history are claiming.

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There are also nano pockets carved into the lens that had once been filled with a liquid hydrocarbon mixture.
Modern telescope lenses are also filled with chemical compounds to improve their magnification.

It appears the creator of the lens possessed remarkable engineering skills which people were believed not to have understood until more recently in our world history. Makes you wonder why the so called "historians" were so off. Accident or on purpose? You decide!

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From 10.19.2014

3,000-Year-Old Nimrud Lens Could Re-Write The History Of Science – Was The World’s Oldest Telescope Developed By Ancient Assyrian Astronomers?

According to Professor Giovanni Pettinato of the University of Rome, the Nimrud lens that is kept at the British museum, could rewrite the history of science. He believes that it could explain why the ancient Assyrians knew so much about astronomy.

The Nimrud lens, a rock crystal lens also called "Loupe of Sargon" or Layard Lens was discovered in 1850 by the legendary archaeologist Sir John Layard, during an epic series of excavations at the palace of Nimrud in what is now Iraq.

When Sir John Layard returned to England, he showed the intriguing lens to physicist Sir David Brewer who thought it could have been used as a magnifying glass or concentrate the Sun's rays.

3,000-Year-Old Nimrud Lens Could Re-Write The History Of Science – Was The World’s Oldest Telescope Developed By Ancient Assyrian Astronomers? | October 19, 2014 | Ancient Technology, Artifacts, Civilizations, Featured Stories, News
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A. Sutherland - - The Nimrud lens is 3,000-year-old object that could re-write the history of science.

Although the telescope was officially invented in the 16th century, it is possible that ancient Assyrian astronomers used the so-called Nimrud lens that allowed them to watch the skies nearly three thousand years earlier.

Is the Nimrud lens the world's oldest telescope?

According to Professor Giovanni Pettinato of the University of Rome, the Nimrud lens that is kept at the British museum, could rewrite the history of science. He believes that it could explain why the ancient Assyrians knew so much about astronomy.
According to Professor Giovanni Pettinato of the University of Rome, the Nimrud lens that is kept at the British museum, could rewrite the history of science. He believes that it could explain why the ancient Assyrians knew so much about astronomy.

The Nimrud lens, a rock crystal lens also called "Loupe of Sargon" or Layard Lens was discovered in 1850 by the legendary archaeologist Sir John Layard, during an epic series of excavations at the palace of Nimrud in what is now Iraq.

When Sir John Layard returned to England, he showed the intriguing lens to physicist Sir David Brewer who thought it could have been used as a magnifying glass or concentrate the Sun's rays.

Used as a magnifying glass, it could have been useful to the Assyrian craftsman who often made intricate seals and produced minuscule texts on clay tablets using a wedge-shaped script.

Scientists cannot agree on the true purpose of the Nimrud lens. According to Professor Giovanni Pettinato of the University of Rome, the Nimrud lens that is kept at the British Museum, could rewrite the history of science. He believes that it could explain why the ancient Assyrians knew so much about astronomy.

Check out what this researcher has to say. this key? It is definitely PROUND!

Outstanding researcher and author, Robert Temple who dedicated a lot of time to study ancient lenses, writes in his fascinating book The Crystal Sun that "technology is forbidden when it is not allowed to exist. It is easy to forbid technology to exist in the past because all you have to do is to deny it. Enforcing the ban then becomes a simple matter of remaining deaf, dumb, and blind. And most of us have no trouble in doing that when necessary.

Temple says "I have discovered an avalanche of evidence proving the existence of a very remarkable ancient technology, one which is well and truly forbidden because it indicates that our ancestors were not idiots, and as we all know very well, if we ever admitted that, the illusion of progress would be seriously imperiled."

"The technology I have discovered is optical. I have found in museums all over the world, more than 450 ancient optical artefacts, most of them lenses, but in any case, magnifying aids.

A Natural piece of almost **pure aluminum" was found embedded in a piece of coal in Vladivostok, Russia

A resident of Vladivostok, which is sandwiched between China, North Korea, and the Sea of Japan, was adding ordinary coal to a fire when he noticed a shiny metal object peeking through a piece of the friable black rock.1 The portion that protruded looked suspiciously manmade, so he investigated by enlisting the help of nearby scientists.

The Vladivostok resident, Dmitry, found embedded in his coal a shiny metal bar with teeth, like those of a bar or plate gear built to mesh with the teeth of a wheeled gear.

The Pennsylvanian coal came from the Chernogorodskiy mines from the Khakasis region north of Mongolia.2 According to international Russian news source Komsomolskaya Pravda, biologist Valery Brier helped analyze the odd-shaped object. X-ray diffraction revealed that it was mostly aluminum with about two to four percent magnesium. This unique alloy is not generally produced today. And Brier noted that refined aluminum implies high technology.

The Pennsylvanian coal came from the Chernogorodskiy mines from the Khakasis region north of Mongolia.2 According to international Russian news source Komsomolskaya Pravda, biologist Valery Brier helped analyze the odd-shaped object. X-ray diffraction revealed that it was mostly aluminum with about two to four percent magnesium. This unique alloy is not generally produced today. And Brier noted that refined aluminum implies high technology.

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It appears to be the piece of a linear gear rack which is a component most often used in advanced machinery and devices like telescopes and microscopes to adjust them.

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An object like this that's embedded in supposedly ancient coal is so difficult to explain from the long-ages perspective that some speculate ancient intelligent aliens left it on earth in some bygone era. This desperate suggestion presumes that the coal's age assignment is true. One might as well say that the reptiles from which dinosaurs supposedly evolved, whose remains occur in some rare Pennsylvanian outcrops, were smart enough to smelt and cast metals.

However, there are plenty of documented, though not widely known, reasons why the methods used to date ancient earth materials are faulty.4 In fact, when "300 million year old" coal is examined for carbon, it routinely returns measurable radioactive carbon-14, which would have disappeared by radioactive decay in under 90,000 years.

The Preliminary Assessment Unidentified Aerial Phenomena from the DNI what a former AATIP Director states and those who died just before they were to appear before the Senate. What is Really Going On? Did you catch the info Under the SEA? You decide!

Hear some of the sounds in here for comparison.
Ancient Nanotechnology, Electrical Devices and Machinery | Remnants of Pre-Cataclysmic Technologies

Speaking of Oopart. . .interesting evidence going on here? You decide!

Do you notice some odd coincidences in the Gabby Petito Murder and her missing fiance who was just issued a warrant for arrest on unauthorized

Mysterious Monolith found in Utah desert. Digital Sleuths Find Location*

Check out all of these places #Monoliths showed up recently!

Into the fiery, plague-ridden nightmare-scape of 2020, like a gift from some benevolent higher being, has come a source of true wonder and delight: the wandering monoliths of Utah, Romania, California, and New Mexico.

The monoliths are long vertical slabs of metal, each 10 to 12 feet tall. They appear with no warning and disappear just as quickly: First, one in the Utah desert, which emerged on November 18 and vanished on November 27. Second, one outside the Romanian city of Piatra Neamt, which appeared on November 27 and disappeared on December 2. Third, one at the top of Pine Mountain in Atascadero, California, which appeared on December 2, was taken down on December 3, and reappeared on December 4. And fourth, one in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which appeared on December 7 and was taken down the same day.

They look like alien artifacts. In part, that’s because they are heavily reminiscent of the monoliths of Stanley Kubrick’s sci-fi classic 2001: A Space Odyssey, where vast black monoliths are deposited by aliens to guide human beings from one stage of evolution to the next.

Kubrick or no Kubrick, all four of these real-life monoliths are eerie, solitary objects. No one knows whether another will suddenly appear, or whether it, too, will vanish into the night.

From this Vox article in 2020

We're not going ANYWHERE! #DigitalSoldiers



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Is Everything Sound? Does Sound Manifest Toroidal Field? Did God Speak All Into Existence? Were the Hieroglyphs Geometric Energy Transmitters? What are BioGeometry Signatures?

NASA's Future Strategic Issues/Future Warfare Circa 2025 by Dennis M. Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA Langley Research Center

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Very interesting!
#UAP, #FastAirCraft

People are REALLY starting to notice them!

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