All Systems Go?

in android •  5 years ago 

Last week, the tablet I ordered arrived, and I was surprised at that lack of unnecessary apps on it.

I was able to get most of the apps that I wanted to install on it. I did not install the Orbot TOR Proxy as I think the RiseUp VPN will be enough; if the cops knock on my door, I may add the extra layer. I had to download a port of KeePass which proved a bit difficult to configure. Finally,I have a ProtonMail account and client, but seem to be having some trouble getting some social media accounts to recognize the new address.

One other task to accomplish is actually making sure the Pentesting tools I installed work. There is a follow-up, and I may even be able to find a site that has known vulnerabilities that I can use to practice on. Also, I may start trying to use this device to learn Metasploit and other tools.

There's also the matter of finding a bluetooth keyboard and perhaps getting in on Mastadon. I'd like to see some of the CopWatch communities have a way to communicate outside of traditional channels.

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