30 USD giveaway + CenterDodger Gameplay (ThumbsApp Studios)

in android •  7 years ago 

Subscribe to youtube channel to enter even if you unsubscribe after that week


$30 USD PayPal Giveaway + CenterDodger First Gameplay (Subscribe to our youtube channel). In a pursuit to gain more publicity to equate to the time consumption in producing content, we will be conducting a giveaway! I know it's not much, but as everyone knows are we're not in the most satisfying position financially, in which the future we hope to be so we can do bigger giveaways! We're going to be transferring $30USD in a week via PayPal in a bid to promote our first game release and our current content. In order to have your name typed in for the random draw all you will need to do is subscribe to our youtube channel in which the odds are decently high of winning as there are only 11 subscribers! Even if you unsubscribe after a week, you have to be in it to win it! WINNER DETERMINED IN A WEEK!

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