Using a public WiFi network is one of the best things as in some places, public hotspot speed is good enough. But, at busy places, there are a lot of people using the same WiFi network and this decreases the internet speed as well. It’s OK as in public places, it’s usual that everyone who wants to use the WiFi without any limitations. But, when it comes to your personal WiFi network connection you probably not want to others to use it for free. Nowadays, there are high-level security features using which one can secure their WiFI connection easily. But, it might happen that your WiFI password is leaked or you want to kick out some users from your WiFi connection because of some reasons. This thing becomes very easy nowadays as there is the number of Android applications built for this purpose and most of them are free. If you’re a Linux user, then it becomes much easier for you to kick people off your WiFI network using the terminal but you probably should have the proper knowledge of commands. In this article, we’ve shown the detailed guide on how to kick people off your WiFI network using Android and Kali Linux.
Kali Linux is known as one of the Linux distros for penetration testing. Android users can use some of the free apps as well but it’s necessary that your phone should be rooted. Without a rooted Android mobile phone, one cant kick people off your WiFi connection. In Linux, there are few commands which need to be executed using the terminal and in the Android phone, there will be a GUI interface which makes the kicking of WiFi users from a WiFi hotspot very easy. Read down the steps given below and remove people who are using your WiFi network.