10/05 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com): The BRhodium Home Stretch – The Waiting Will Be Well Worth It!

in andyhoffman •  6 years ago 

Last week, the final BRhodium claim period ended, resulting in an additional 5,000 BTR being claimed. Thus, I still believe the amount of supply at launch will be around 725,000-750,000 – with an ultimate cap of 2.1 million, that won’t be reached for another 100 years.

BRhodium’s ANONYMOUS development team didn’t have to give this last chance to those who either missed the earlier deadlines or didn’t claim correctly – but did so to foster goodwill in the growing, increasingly bullish BRhodium community. As well, they announced that the remaining unclaimed BTR will be donated over time to libraries and foundations as a recognition of their help to the Crypto world…and the first three non-profit charitable organizations to accept BTR.

As for the coin’s launch, it is unquestionably very close, and will unquestionably feature listing on at least one major exchange. The dev team has spent the past ten months building this entirely new blockchain, and will explore every possible avenue in the name of safety, security, and strength. To wit, a message today from an ANONYMOUS BRhodium development team member.

“One of the devs is ultra super paranoid about security. He is testing every possible angle of attack, bugs, etc. I haven’t seen him offline for more than three hours during the past several weeks.”

Shortly, those who registered, correctly claimed, and patiently waited for BRhodium will be rewarded – by what I expect to be one of the most sought after altcoins in the crypto universe. Just read my dozens of articles and Tweets on the topic – and follow BTR’s progress on its Twitter feed and Discord chat room!

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