12/11 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com): BRhodium Update – All Systems Go, DESPITE Crypto Market Conditions

in andyhoffman •  6 years ago 

BRhodium’s MainNet has been live just seven weeks, but the fledgling crypto that aims to be a go-to mainstream investment option has made significant progress since. This, despite the sector-wide crash that has reduced crypto investment to a trickle, and interest to its lowest level since Mt Gox.

BRhodium’s network hash rate has steadily climbed this week, to its most consistent level since the upgraded Mining Pool was launched last month - with the pool’s hash in the ballpark of BDiamond, which has been around for more than a year, sporting a market cap more than 25x more BRhodium’s current, comically low “pre-IPO” OTC valuation.

The new BTR Electrum wallet will be released shortly – one week after the unique “Strong Hands” crypto-dividend program was disseminated; whilst the anonymous development team continues to focus, per its recent roadmap update, on having “BTR” launch on a major crypto exchange in the first quarter of 2019. Having just launched on the decentralized Bisq platform last week, BRhodium will thus meet coinmarketcap.com’s requirement of being listed on two exchanges.


OTC prices were roughly 0.0005 BTC/BTR when MainNet launched – but yesterday hit an all-time high of 0.002 BTC/BTR. Small numbers, yes, but the trend is going the right direction. My guess is most of the Bitcoin whales indiscriminately turning their BTR crypto-dividend into BTC are gone – and thus, going forward the price will be set more by BTR’s outlook than this one-time, significantly-sized supply overhang.

If you have any questions about BRhodium OTC trading, please DM me or email at [email protected].

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