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BitCoin may be a nice tool to have at your disposal,
but when everything is said and done, BitCoin will
be "backed" by Common, U.S. Coinage...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange ...A penny may cost a dollar...

To Kenn's point about making gold useful in a blockchain...
check out Kenisis
Andrew MacGuire is backing a crypto that sets up a system of registering and distributing gold grams (and fractions of) on a 'somewhat' decentralized blockchain.
The idea sounds decent, I'd love your take on it.
Maybe consider bringing on CEO Thomas Coughlin and Macguire?
Thanks for the excellent vlog.

just walk away_.jpg

Amazing. In all my years in gold, you never once asked me to do an interview for Goldseek, while you paraded loser after loser over the airwaves. And now, you pretend to LOVE my Bitcoin interview, and want me to have Andrew Maguire (you didn't even spell his name right) shill his bulls--t "gold crypto - as if such a thing exists? LOL

Thank you.

Great interview as always Andy...Ken is awesome...cheers