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What is coconut kentos ??
Kentos coconut or also known as coconut hog is emberion from coconut shoots. The shape of round kentos, and lies within the coconut flesh. But it is really different from the coconut fruit.Little brittle and crunchy.But the kentos is really safe in eating.Even when in large amounts delicious once made vegetable.
Actually coconut emberion named coconut kentos is so popular in kalanggan masyarakat.Bahkan if a coconut is split and there is contents kentos.Maka coconut is often stamped as an old coconut.Padahal taste and benefits a lot.
- Prevent kerosokan on blood pebahat.
Blood vessels can rupture if you continue not to notice your diet. Damage to blood vessels when it is fatal. So from that, you need the benefits of this coconut kentos which is believed will prevent damage to your blood vessels.
Prevent liver disease
The liver can be cured with kentos klpa. By eating this vegetable, really you will have a strong body. Behind the terrible disease such as liver. Remember that this disease is very dangerous. Liver can cause death.Contains Iron
The iron contained in kentos is so good for your body. By eating a lot of iron-rich foods like coconut bell alias coconut kentos, then you will not get anemia anymore.
- Contains omega 3
Omega 3 is on kentos klpa really powerful once. Benefits kentos is indeed believed to be ric!with omega 3 fatty acids that will nourish your brain.
- Containing vitamin A
Vitamin A contained in kentos klpa really super nice for kesehata.Dengan benefits kentos klpa, really your body will not be sick -members lagi.Especially your eyeball, it will be healthy back a new eye that is clear.
- Contains vitamin D
Vitamin D contained in the benefits of coconut palm alias mamfaat coconut kentos is also powerful in preventing free radicals.Denga diligently eat vegetables kentos coconut, so toxic and free radicals will not attack you anymore.
7.Containing protein
Protein in kentos is also very good for the body. High protein and abundant protein in kentos is very good for the body. you will not be affected by cell-building disorders anymore.
- Containing phosphorus
Sometimes the phospho on kentos klpa also benefits a lot. The coconut shrub will nourish each jaringgan of your bones and teeth.
- Contains vitamin B12
Kentos klpa is believed to contain vitamin B12 is so good for the body. By eating this vegetable, then your body will not get any more illness of this disease. Really good
- Prevent coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease will also be cured with kentos klpa.karna this great benefit.
- Strengthening bones and teeth
Bones and teeth you will not fragile again berkam mamfaat kentos klpa.
12.Mencegah stroke
Even with a stroke. Of course coconut kentos
aka the clamp's arrogant so powerful
- Prevent nearsightedness or hypermetrophy
14.Mencegah inflammation of the lining of the brain
15.Mencegah nearsighted or miopi
Treating headaches or migraines
Contains abundant calcium
Relieve Depression and acute stress
Prevent eye sliders from getting worse
Treating dry cough and manahum
Quite a few explanations about the vegetable from the small fruit in this coconut.
Hopefully Benefit