How many times has it happened to you that when it comes to other people, you know exactly what you would advise them to do. What is wrong with them, as well as what they do well and what they do wrong. And after a while you realize that everything you have seen, talked about, thought and advised to someone else, is in some context related to some of your topics. Yes, you need to tell yourself all that.
Why is this happening?
Because everything you see, that bothers you, or annoys you in other people, is a kind of "mirror", a trigger that triggers your inner unused emotions or unresolved topics.
How this is possible, he will explain to you, the so-called "Principles of Mirrors".
If you see irresponsibility in another person, it means that in some context or in some area of life, in fact, you are irresponsible.
That's perfectly fine. Each of us is irresponsible in some area of life and at some point in time. It is only important to be aware of that and do something with that irresponsibility.
Example. You may not be responsible to yourself, in the sense that you do not take responsibility to make some important decisions, that you continue to do something that is not useful to you. Or you may be irresponsible in relation to someone else.
If you are bothered by someone's inactivity, it means that in some context or in some area of life, you are actually inactive. Take a few minutes and think about it.
You can be inactive in the physical sense, so that means that you need to move physically, that you need to do something different, or that it is time and that you need to start doing some physical activity.
Also, you may be bothered by someone's inactivity, and that inactivity be your mirror in the context of emotional or mental inactivity.
Emotional inactivity can refer to feeling dissatisfied, sad, angry, furious in some area of life, but not taking any action to change your emotional state.
While mental inactivity may be related to some limiting and useless beliefs you have about yourself and life, which you know do not serve you, but do nothing about changing them. Or you may not want to take any action to change your perception, from negative to positive, about some unpleasant situations that have happened to you.
Or, if you are annoyed by someone's laziness, it means that you are in some context or in some area of life, you are actually lazy. You may be lazy about some topics that are important to you that you can't move around to do or just change.
To understand the "mirror principle", you need honesty with yourself, openness, as well as the courage to accept everything that is a part of you. Not just what you like, but all the parts of you that you don't like.
Also, for some topics, you need to look for answers much deeper within yourself. And for that, you need faith in the process of life, as well as faith that the answer will come at the right time, just when you need it.
And it will come, because all the answers are in you.
And the less it makes sense to you and the harder it is for you to come up with an answer about how what bothers you about others is related to you, it just means that the answer is deeper within you and that it is very important to you.
This approach, no matter how pleasant it is, and it is not, at the same time gives you power, because that is how you take responsibility for yourself and your life.
Then you realize that it is never up to other people, but it is all up to you. It's up to each of us!
When you know, understand and accept that it is up to you, then you choose what choices and decisions you will make next.
You choose what kind of relationship you will have with yourself in the future. And that relationship will directly affect the relationship you have with other people.
And the more honest and in harmony with yourself, the more beautiful the reflection in the mirror will be.
If you want to understand and accept this principle even more deeply, as well as how and why all the answers are in us, welcome to the two-day NLP Basic training. "Mirrors" are just one of the topics in this international education for personal and professional success.