Suzie Sayz it with Angel Messages

in angelmessages •  8 years ago 

Day 3.jpg

Whether you believe in them or not, there are always messages around us that come in sometimes the strangest or oddest "co-incidences, synchronicities, people etc." We choose to hear or see them, or not. Sometimes life has to knock us around a bit to wake us up to the awareness (I know well) that in order to move forward we HAVE to acknowledge the signs. Talk about "Aah Haa's". When Angel Cards were first introduced to me, I was like a child in a candy store playing with my new toys. I have grown up always knowing that my "6th sense" was seriously there and over the past few years (maybe I grew up) I have learnt to really LISTEN to that inner voice. It has guided me through a rocky terrain, giving me messages of hope, direction and belief. Every morning I find myself choosing a couple of packs of cards from my overflowing drawer and selecting a couple of daily messages. It is these messages I feel I am drawn to share with you. So if it is you that has "happened" to land on this page, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, there is something YOU have to hear. I hope that whatever message is delivered on this particular day, it gives you a little nudge in the right direction. It lets you know that you are NOT alone and that there is an incredible force all around us just waiting for you to take that next step in living a life of purpose and love. Have fun with the messages because isn't that what life is supposed to be - FUN?

Energy Oracle Card no. 33 - DOOR TO ROMANCE
New Beginnings in Love...whether it is love you are seeking, or more love in an existing relationship, this heart opens onto a new beginning in your experience. A new love may be arriving and you are brought together by a strong connection. This may be a call from a past life, or it may be a new tenderness about to bloom into heartfelt affection.
This relationship already exists in energetic potential, so when this card appears in your spread, make sure you are projecting the kind of self-loving energy that you want to receive from others. Be aware that the Universe returns your self-caring treatment to you. It's ready to open that door. Are you?

My input on the card above (and speaking from personal experience) is that when you learn to love YOU first, it is then that you will find love. Why so? Probably because when you actually think that you are quite nice and not such a bad recognise it in others. It has taken me a LOOOOONG time to finally love ME. Now lets see who is behind that door that is opening?

Let me know how it resonates with you.

Card 33 - The number 33 (Doreen Virtue's Angel Numbers): You have a strong and clear connection with one or more ascended masters, who have answered your call and your prayers. Keep talking to them, as they're helping you with your present situation.

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I love Doreen Virtue and I love Oracle cards. I like your message and agree that self-love is key. This card resonates.