Suzie Sayz it with Angel Messages

in angelmessages •  8 years ago 

Tuesday 8/8

Whether you believe in them or not, there are always messages around us that come in sometimes the strangest or oddest "co-incidences, synchronicities, people etc." We choose to hear or see them, or not. Sometimes life has to knock us around a bit to wake us up to the awareness (I know well) that in order to move forward we HAVE to acknowledge the signs. Talk about "Aah Haa's". When Angel Cards were first introduced to me, I was like a child in a candy store playing with my new toys. I have grown up always knowing that my "6th sense" was seriously there and over the past few years (maybe I grew up) I have learnt to really LISTEN to that inner voice. It has guided me through a rocky terrain, giving me messages of hope, direction and belief. Every morning I find myself choosing a couple of packs of cards from my overflowing drawer and selecting a couple of daily messages. It is these messages I feel I am drawn to share with you. So if it is you that has "happened" to land on this page, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, there is something YOU have to hear. I hope that whatever message is delivered on this particular day, it gives you a little nudge in the right direction. It lets you know that you are NOT alone and that there is an incredible force all around us just waiting for you to take that next step in living a life of purpose and love. Have fun with the messages because isn't that what life is supposed to be - FUN? (Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor)

Today the card JOURNEY has revealed itself. Pack your bags! Looks like you have a trip coming up - whether it be work related, or a holiday, or even a change of scenery with a day trip or a home move - get ready to step out of your box. My take on it, is that all of life is a journey - the thing to know is just TRUST the process and the movement. If it sits at peace with you - Go for it. If it does not feel right, change your direction. You hold your own compass - take the step towards your sun.

Affirmation: I am attracting wonderful new adventures to me. My life is a blessing, taking me to new places - inside and out.

The card is No. 2 : Doreen Virtue's Angel meaning: Everything's fine and will continue to be so. Keep believing, especially since your feelings of hope lead to more positive outcomes. The angels can buoy your faith if you'll ask for their help. JUST ASK

Have a Magical Day on 8/8Day 2.jpg

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