Something has come to my attention that neither I, nor you, should discount when considering anger issues in any present day scenario.
Of course, the first thing most people would reason would be that we get mad is caused by someone that triggered your anger response (and on purpose by the way), and in a way that would be true...but has anyone considered just why these things are happening?
Do you wake up in the morning with the thought of how angry you want to get that day? Do you, upon awakening, think of all the ways you can get revenge on someone just because they are different than you? I imagine that most people don't. We do, however, get up, get dressed, eat breakfast (if we have enough food to make breakfast) - go about our every day routine (what ever that routine is) and generally try to have a good day... until...
Until someone hits that trigger mechanism that makes us feel like tearing someone's throat out (so-to-speak). We've all been through a day just like this, you know, the one day where everyone just seems to want to keep pushing every anger button they can just to trigger a response? And they appear to be doing it just to make us mad or even madder than we want to be? But then, of course we feel the need to point fingers at anyone else but ourselves in order to justify our growing rage.
Well then, I have a question for everyone out there reading this...
Has anyone considered pointing fingers at the companies who put chemicals, additives and preservatives on or in almost everything we eat and drink?
Has anyone considered that each food by itself may not hurt anyone immediately, but over time mixed with the chemicals from other items we eat and drink from other companies, could very well be the cause of our bodies becoming something other than what they are meant to be? Our trigger mechanism could be becoming more touchy because of the mixture of chemicals we consume each day. Could it be the cause over time may just be the cause?
Do we really need for someone to add all the vitamins and minerals to food? Is it good because 'someone said so once', or 'someone did a study'?
Does the added enhancements, that some 'expert' decided would be good for you, actually do more harm than good while they mix with the other mostly unpronounceable chemicals added as fillers and enhancements?
Do you look up the names of these chemicals? Have you even looked at the list? Don't they almost always say that these untold amounts of chemicals are harmless, that they are there just to make the food 'taste' better or to make the food or drink 'better' for us? Just who says so? Some 'expert'? Or are those claiming 'good food' is only hoping you will spend your hard earned cash on 'their' product?
Do the ones making all this ‘goodness’ actually eat or drink the same food they claim is so harmless? Or do they avoid them like the plague? Do they choose to buy, instead, truly organic food that is not filled with those horrible chemicals, or the drinks filled with caffeine which effects our actions, nervous system and heart beat?
Is this what you want in your body? What about the elite in the world? Do they scarf down fast food? One well known fast food place tells their employees not to eat the food the company makes because it isn’t good for them. Why then would they sell it to the general public? Adding a salad to the menu does not make the menu any less toxic... now does it?
According to Healthline (, ‘a significant amount of eating fast food can cause headache, depression, acne, dental distress, shortness of breath, weight gain, heart disease or stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, blood sugar spikes, insulin resistance, bloating and puffiness, and extra calories we don't need.’
Sure the food 'tastes' great and we love food that tastes good, but is it good for us? Obviously no! So why do they continue to sell it? That's easy... MONEY! They get our hard earned dollars for selling their far less than healthy so-called food to people that is either in a hurry, don't have a way to get anything else during lunch break. or are too tired by the time they get home to cook a wholesome meal. It's easier to go to the corner fast food place and buy the fastest thing we can get to take home to our family. It isn't called fast food or junk food for nothing.
They line their pockets and we who eat the food get health problems. Maybe those health problems don’t come until years later, but for a great many of us it happens and we just don't seem to be able to even figure out why. After all, no one would ever sell you food that would eventually harm you...would they?
We have been accustomed to stuffing our faces with those precooked, pretty packaged foods that we have forgotten to check to see just what it is actually in it. Exactly what chemicals are mixed in with the ingredients, and to see how long
is the shelf life? Did you know that certain hamburgers don’t rot...they just dry up? Don’t believe me? Buy a plain hamburger (no mustard or anything like that) and sit it somewhere for a month then come will have turned dry, but not rotten like real, organic food would that you take the time to cook at home.
Have we become so lazy that we must purchase something that isn’t good for us just to save a few minutes a day?
Have you ever bought an apple from a store and noticed that the apple might last for months before beginning to rot? Do you know why? Have you looked it up? Did you know that some of the apples you believe to be fresh has a past shelf life of already three (3) years? Seriously look it up. Well, those apples are sprayed with chemicals to kill any bugs that normally might use them for food. Then during the factory process they 'wash' those apples (not good enough though) to get the poisons off of them and then coat them with wax to make them glossy so we, as the consumers, will see them as pretty and want some.
Ever wonder if they actually get all the poison off the apple before you take a huge bite off the waxed fruit? That wax keeps the apple from spoiling in the supermarket. The longer fruit and vegetables are kept in the store and the longer it takes for the same to get to the store, the more vitamins/menerals are lost and the consumer does not get the necessary nutrition. Is this the reason why companies insert vitamins and minerals into the food and proudly list them so you will believe what you are buying is good for you?
Are there orchards and gardeners around where you live that sell produce to the public? Are their fruits and vegetables fertilized and if so what do they use? Try getting fresh fruit and vegetables from organic gardeners or grow some on your property. If you don't have room for a garden, try growing some garden plants in window boxes or planters and pots at home along your brightest windows. (usually the southern side of your home or apartment.) Growing some things for yourself will allow you to know what real organic taste like.
If you have a home and a place to plant a garden or a few trees, try to grow fruit trees, like apple trees or peach trees. This type of fruit can be canned (takes time but is well worth the effort) or can be dehydrated. The fruit can last a lot longer that way. If you use a machine to remove the air from the bagged fruit, and you place the filled bags in the freezer, the food can last for years before it starts to go bad. Then when you have enough fruit in the freezer for the family, and you have not poisoned the fruit with sprays, you can either share the food with your neighbors or you could trade for organic vegetables that others in your neighborhood might have extra to trade.
This sure beats going to the store to buy sprayed vegetables that 'look pretty'. My father sprayed our garden (when I was a child) with DDT in order to keep the bugs from destroying the food, but even after finding out that DDT was poison for people too, and decades after we stopped eating that food, I and my brother as well have nerve damage and both of us shake uncontrollably. Thank goodness it's with just one arm though. It could have been worse. This is where I begin the old saying, "If I knew then what I know now...".
Could it be that even though we don't believe we, ourselves, have been effected by the trash they put into our food, it could be effecting our children? How many kids nowadays have disorders? ADHD, depression, breathing difficulties, anxiety, anger issues, impatience, inability to focus, along with what seems like a plethora of other problems may be caused by the food we eat before getting pregnant. The food we feed our children may be a large part (even though we are mostly unaware) of their growing problems.
Changing our eating habits and patterns over time may change us from being unwilling hate machines to productive and loving people.
Have you thought to try to change your eating habits to see if you begin to feel better? I have, and so far it has been working great! I'm not pissed off all the time, I can tolerate someone else's opinion without flying off the deep end, my depression is gone, and I am so much more calm! It's wonderful! Life is better than it has been my entire life!
We can start by looking up how to change our eating habits, how to grow window gardens, and how to get a hold of cheaper organic food. Do it yourself websites have a great deal of information. Keep informed and don't be afraid to grow a window box of leaf lettuce, or a five gallon bucket with a tomato plant in it. It wouldn't hurt to learn how to grow a few items. Try an herb garden to start. Then go on to bigger things. You never know, maybe you will begin to feel better and not be as easily angered or depressed.
Until next time, as always, have a wonderful day.
Disclaimer: "This information is not intended to be of a professional nature nor intended as a cure for any disease or health condition. I am not a doctor or health care professional, so before you change or begin to change anything that could impact your health, always consult your physician first."