Anger management

in anger •  7 years ago 

Anger management, or how to behave in the hands

For example, joyful mood and laughter have a beneficial effect on human health, prolong life, which has already been scientifically proven. Since laughter stimulates the production of hormones such as: serotonin, dopamine and endorphin. They are all from a series of "hormones of happiness." In addition, during the laughter, the diaphragm, facial muscles and abdominal muscles are involved. This increases the blood circulation of many internal organs, the body is saturated with oxygen, the amount of the "stress hormone" is reduced, and therefore the cause for diseases caused by nervous shocks disappears.

But not only laughter, even tears (in moderation) relieve stress, remove toxins, improve eyesight, increase immunity, help normalize blood pressure and relieve emotions.
But uncontrollable anger, anger, revenge and jealousy, can greatly reduce a person's life. And this is due, above all, to the fact that these emotions activate the production of cortisol - the very "stress hormone". A moderate dose of this hormone is even beneficial to the body, because it has a protective effect that helps to overcome life's difficulties, along with adrenaline. But with prolonged and uncontrolled aggression, there is a risk of diabetes mellitus, hypertension (high blood pressure) and destruction of muscle tissue. The body actually produces poison, which causes many diseases, including cancer.

Therefore, in order to avoid such catastrophic consequences, one must be able to spill out negative emotions correctly, without jeopardizing their health and the health of those who are caught in your "hot" hands.

How to calm down and keep oneself in hand

  1. If fate has presented an unpleasant surprise, and something has greatly distracted you, try to get away from the offender of offense, so that you can calm down. Sometimes, in order to drown out a sudden outburst of anger, five minutes of silence and loneliness are enough.

  2. If the topic of the conversation makes you irritated, try to translate the conversation into another channel, or successfully joke.

  3. It is very effective at the time of stress to switch to slow deep breathing.

  4. Try to speak objectively without going over to individuals. Of course, this is very difficult to do, especially if the interlocutor intentionally provokes you to insult. Be above it, a phrase thrown in the heart can long complicate the relationship and provoke a response. It will not be easier for him or for you, and nervous overexcitation is not so easy to calm.

  5. If something has offended or offended you, try to explain yourself, but only when you completely calm down.

  6. Proven means for eliminating negative emotions are physical exercises or music (include your favorite composition and try for a while to abandon everything).

  7. Do not overwork, more often switch to other activities. Get enough sleep, participate moments of intimacy with your loved one.

  8. Try to solve serious problems, only staying in a good mood. If you are sick, exhausted, depressed and in a state close to depression, try to postpone the solution of important problems.

  9. Look for occasions for joy. From time to time, change the situation, not allowing everyday routine to take over you. Give more time to your desires and people close to your heart.IMG_20171203_182204_629.jpg

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