Get a red string bracelet

in angkor-wat •  7 years ago 

Tying red string bracelet.jpg

The red string bracelet on the wrists can mean many different things depending on different religions. It can bring good luck, offer some kind of protection, remind you of your faith, call spirits back to the body…Roughly speaking, it brings good things to you or grants wishes. However, in order to be able to do such things, it must be blown a mantra into. A monk, commonly, ties it around your wrist, makes a blessing after doing a kind of ritual. Then you shouldn't by it at souvenir shop.

One interesting thing about it is that, because good things attached to you by the string, you shouldn't cut it off but let it fall off by itself - as much as years later.

Don't miss your chance to get one if you run into a monk like in the picture. Even if you're not a believer, it surely can bring you some positive feelings during your trip. Also it's free, but you can see there's also a donation box.

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