In my opinion, the Normans and Anglo-Saxons are really boring to read about. So I'm going to try and make this as interesting as possible because i need this knowledge in my brain asap. Ere we go.
Basically there was a Social Hierarchy in Anglo-Saxon England which involved silly names.
Peasants and Slaves
Peasants and slaves were exactly as the name indicates. The majority of people were farmers who couldn't afford to go out on the lash of a weekend so had to do agricultural work instead. Fun. These lot were given a plot of land from their lord, but they had to work in exchange, fair enough right? Woah ho ho wrong! Some of these peasants were slaves and could be bought or sold. Unfortunately most people died with the same status they were born with.
Thegns weren't slaves, but they didn't have a huge wedge of cash like the earls. They didn't have much power either. But compared to slaves and peasants they were pretty well off. They could afford life lets say. Their lords gave them smaller plots of land, and thats really it, they're kinda boring. Swiftly moving on.
These chaps here, minted. They we're below the King and above the Thegns, On the hierarchal scale of course. These lads, were given a pretty sizeable amount of land from the king, but in return had to keep them well governed for the king. Think of them like Santas Elves. Now get this, Earls are the Thegns and Peasants Lords. I know, confused me for 2 years.
Alright guy apparently. Didn't know him personally no, i was born about 937 years too late unfortunately. If the king considered you to be his homeslice, you we're a respected part of the nobility. The king relied on his Earls to help him with his duties. Which was essential if the King was going to be considered the most powerful person in society.
Its clear to see now how much your life was shaped for you by other people, purely based on your status back in Anglo-Saxon Society. Unfortunately this still happens in some places today. I think that's why history is important because the parallels between the past, the present and the future, become much more obvious the more you learn about the history of the world.
Thanks for reading this overview of Anglo-Saxon Society. Some information was sourced from a CGP GCSE History revision guide - (honestly these are so good), and a limited amount came from my brain.
One love my dudes,
Cody :)