The (Not So) Smart Car: A Tiny Car For A Tiny Mind

in angryman •  7 years ago  (edited)

OK, that's it I can’t take it anymore! I’m finally going to have to let loose on a blight on our streets. A modern scourge, something that could be a serious threat to society as far as I see it this could gnaw away at us until there’s nothing left but war and broken dreams.

Melodrama! Melodrama! I hear you shout, ah but you know me well, you know I don’t rant just for the sake of it; don’t you?

I’m talking Smart cars people or the Ka or what the hell ever it’s called. It’s not so much the car itself, I’ve got nothing against small cars, what’s to hate about a small car?

No it’s their bloody owners, there’s a lot to hate about a Smart car owner. Well if I’m being specific, there’s one particularly annoying thing to hate about a smart car owner, and that’s the way the selfish bastards decide to park their stupid little tin cans.

We’ve all seen it and if you’re a road user no doubt you’ve been held up by a smart car that has decided to park front end-in to the kerb.


There are not enough words in all the languages on earth that are available to describe just how much I hate you right now.

Small And Selfish

The smart car owner feels that visual evidence isn’t enough. Oh no. The smart car owner feel’s that they have to announce loudly to the world that they alone are helping the environment by sacrificing comfort and some might say dignity, to save our dear, dear planet.

How else do you explain the fact that ninety percent of these cars are parked in this selfish manner?

It would seem that the smart car owner when looking for a parking space doesn’t see all the other small places that they could parallel park into like everybody fucking else.

Oh no, odious smart car owner seems to think that any space that exists between two cars that’s narrow enough to get your front wheels through is a parking space.

No matter the fact that by parking in this way your back is sticking out into traffic and no matter how small your poxy little car is, it will still cause delay on the road as people either swerve into oncoming traffic. Or have to wait for oncoming traffic, because your car which granted is small, IS NOT BLOODY SMALL ENOUGH THAT I CAN JUST CARRY ON DRIVING DOWN THE EFFING ROAD IF YOU PARK LIKE THAT!

In fact I'd go as far to say, that if you park with your back end sticking out like that. You have negated the whole benefit of having a bloody small car in the first place. You might as well be driving a fucking tank around you cretin!

There is something clearly insecure about the smart car owner, maybe it’s vulnerability they're feeling. A feeling which is no doubt exacerbated by driving a car where their legs act as a crumple zone.

Smart car owners need to be reminded of the fact that just because something’s possible, that doesn’t mean you should do it.

I mean it's possible for me to go and buy a baseball bat, and beat every single smart car I see parked nose-end-in to a pulp. Then I could go and find their owners and break their ankles and hands so that they can't drive ANYTHING!

Does that mean I should do it? No seriously I'm asking you here, just a single word and I'll do it. Or, here's a suggestion, park like everyone else. Content yourself with the fact that you can fit into smaller spaces and get around town faster than somebody in a whopping great 4x4.

OK, rant over, at least until I see another smart car inconsiderately parked.

Angry Man





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You know, you could probably get a pallet jack and go pick up these #$$#@%@ Ka's and drag them to a real parking space.
Then you can watch the "green" loving owner get a lot of (needed) exercise while trying to find their wayward Ka.

Haha, good idea. Even better would be to park it miles away and leave them a crude map to find it by. Oh so tempting, would make a great little video :-)))


I was perfectly calm and content before I read this, but now I am ANGRY. You are absolutely right, @cryptogee, this is an affront to nature.

Haha, sorry to boil your blood, but we must end this scourge NOW!

Good to see you by the way; long time :-)


Whoa dude you were angry back then lol! I thought you used to use a bit of herb... Wow how angry would you have been without it lol?

Btw I live in the country and we are not big on parallel parking at all lol.

Haha, yeah I guess I was. Probably didn't smoke enough!

I suppose in the country side it's a bit different - I think? - It's just on cramped and narrow London streets it really does seem bloody inconsiderate.


Oh my gosh, ideas! I have to say, I haven't seen any small car parked like this before, but I guess I don't go to big cities with lots of parking problems.

I have a small car, but it was basically selected on being cheap in monthly costs and gas usage. I don't like cars much, so it just has to get me from A to B and cost as little as possible. The added bonus of a small car is that it doesn't take much space, which means I feel much more comfortable in it. I hate the idea of driving a big car and getting stuck in small places or having to find a parking space in a way too cramped parking garage. Bah the horror! If I have to participate in the crowded madness of traffic, I want my car to be as small as possible so it can fit in most places. Even then, my bycicle is still easier and less scary to use... Or my feet...

Bah, traffic.

Exactly, small cars are great when driven and parked responsibly :-) I just hate small car owners who believe the normal laws and rules of etiquette don't apply to them!


This was somewhat amusing to read, but I wonder how the owners of such small cars really feel. Are you absolutely sure they are so smug?

Perhaps parking with their front ends sticking out like that could be attributed to other reasons:

(1) Maybe the owner was merely in a hurry to find a parking spot and didn't take the time to think things through?

(2) Perhaps the driver didn't realize that sticking out into traffic like that was creating a hazard?

(3) If the driver had parked in the standard-sized gap left by a much larger car, would you feel that the unused space was wasted?

The safety issue would be paramount for me, so I would never willingly drive this sort of vehicle, but I can imagine someone wanting to save money by buying such a small car:

(A) lower weight --> lower fuel consumption

(B) taxes are sometimes based on engine size

(C) greater maneuverability in small spaces (good for inexperienced or diffident drivers)

This was somewhat amusing to read, but I wonder how the owners of such small cars really feel. Are you absolutely sure they are so smug?

I read an article recently where the owner claimed that parking like that was the whole point of having a smart car! Un-frickin-believable!

(1) Maybe the owner was merely in a hurry to find a parking spot and didn't take the time to think things through?
There is a smart car owner who lives a couple of roads away from me and they always park their car like that.

(2) Perhaps the driver didn't realize that sticking out into traffic like that was creating a hazard?
Then they need to retake the driving test, as you are taught to park properly so that you don't cause delays on the road (especially in big cities).

(3) If the driver had parked in the standard-sized gap left by a much larger car, would you feel that the unused space was wasted?

No because there would still be enough space for another smart car or at worst a motorbike, and it's better than sticking out in traffic. These things are especially hazardous to cyclists.

I get all the benefits of owning a small car, and like I said there's nothing wrong with small cars. It's just the arrogant owners who believe the rules don't apply to them.


I just can't accept that they are even cars. Anything that I can squash with my bare hands just doesn't count as a proper automobile in my eyes.

Posted using Partiko Android

BTW, how did you come up with the "angryman" category? It doesn't even appear in the list of tags. Did you just make it up?

Yes just made it up :-) Unfortunately though, due to the bizarre way the Steemit tags work it will disappear in 7 days time unless I keep adding to it. If you try searching for it in more than 7 days it will no longer be there.

It is one of the biggest failings of Steemit and the fact that it hasn't been fixed in two years shows . . .

Ugh, don't get me started I have bashed my head against that brick wall from almost day one. Nobody listens, nobody cares.


Actually, by clicking on [angryman] and [New], instead of the default, which is [Trending], I noticed that somebody else used that tag 7 months ago. You are not alone!

Ahhh, interesting. I wonder if that will work for my @cryptogeechronicles tag... I hope so.


Ohhhh you are so angry.and you are right.this car owner wrong park his car.this is so small car.police stick decision to this car owner.

I wish they would!


Yes,this man are crazy totally wrong park his car.


Why do you flag our posting?

Because of your behaviour surrounding the byteball referrals, I hate thieves. People like you think there are no consequences for your shitty actions, it's good to show you and others that there are.





We even supported the Byteball team to stop the bots.

And by the way, nothing was ever "stolen". That would mean the Byteball DAG was compromised.
That was never the case. The bots were only faster than the users.

We have offered Mark several times the commission for the referrals, where he thinks he has claims.
He never gave out the nick names, that everybody could check it in the DAG. How could he if it didn't happen?

You walked up to an ice cream stand, and stuck your hand in the tip jar and took out the cash. You knew what you were doing, and you did it anyway.

Oh, so you're saying that @themarkymark is a liar?

And even if you refund him what about all the others that did not get back?

Well there you have it you have been caught. But hey everyone makes mistakes, maybe you can redeem yourself by some act of charity or kindness in the future.



A lot can be told without proof. The blockchain is the perfect tool for this. Why we don't use it but talk about icecream?
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If you are really interested in the truth, check out the Byteball Telegram group.

We do everyday a lot for Steemit and fight spammers and scammers.

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