πŸ” An Easter Chicken Rescue.

in animal β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

This silly chicken stayed on the cage the entire hour trip.

Went on a rescue mission and ended up on a mini farm!

A good friend of mine contacted me yesterday to ask for my help. A lady she knows is moving out of the country, and fully intended on leaving 9 chickens penned up and letting them starve to death. After telling the lady that she was going to come get the chickens and showing up there the lady said she might keep one hen and the rooster, that way they could die together. A. You can't make this stuff up and B. What in the entire fuck is wrong with people?

My friend thankfully ended up taking all 9 chickens and within an hour I was able to secure a new owner for them. She came and got me today with chickens in tow and we went on an adventure. I caught some chickens, that was super neat, I've lived in the country for 2 decades and had never caught a chicken before!

This is the smallest rooster I have ever seen before, he was a spaz, so we let the new owner fetch him out of the truck.

We ended up on a mini farm!!!

Jeremy, the guy who took the chickens in has a mini farm. I was in animal heaven. Chickens, ducks,pigs, goats and sheep. So with permission I went and visit them all and took pictures! The chickens now will be free to roam, fed and cared for, which makes my heart super happy. My friend is an amazing human and I am glad I could assist.

I am becoming rather fond of ducks, and there were so many different kinds.

I estimate that he easily had 50 chickens and ducks, and so many different varieties. It was super cold, but we stood outside for 30 minutes admiring all the animals and his huge property.

I wish I could remember what this guy is called, he is super cool, the owner said he is the king of the yard, he is majestic!

These pigs came right up and let me pet them....until they realized I didn't have food, then they scattered away.

πŸ‘ The goats and the sheep didn't come to greet me.

I had to admire them from afar. They had no desire to come and visit with the lady who was standing at the fence of their sizable pasture. I took a few photos of them anyways.

The reason for the mission absolutely sucked, but at least the destination was cool.

It frightens me that the woman who was ready to leave the chickens penned up fully knowing what the result would be is raising children. You have to be a special kind of rotten to do something like that. I do gain comfort from the fact that most people would never do that, and that the chickens can now keep peckin away.

Thank you for Stopping by!!

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Much Love


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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I wish I could remember what this guy is called, he is super cool, the owner said he is the king of the yard, he is majestic!

The guinea hen or the chicken?

Guinea yes! You genius you

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

we have 7 of them. Have had up to 20 at times. They are great tick eaters. Eggs with less cholesterol than chickens. oh, did I say they are noisy!

are they aggressive? He kind of suggested that this one is.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Towards people? No, they are very skittish. Towards other birds, sometimes. My chickens get along fine with them.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Wow..wtf is wrong with people man... leaving them to die..SMH..

Well at least they have a good new destination ans you had sweet day out!

Hmm... @krazykrista, some people are cruel and there are those who let life overwhelm them to the extent that they forget how to be good people. If she knew she would be moving why didn't she make plans for the chickens? She had more on her mind than feathers, eggs and crowing roosters, right?

I am happy someone was willing to take them in. Your story sounded almost similar to what my dad did for a chick. I actually did a post about it a while back.

The chick was captured by a hawk and as they flew passed my dad's place, for no reason that my dad knew of, the hawk let the chick go and it fell to the earth.

My dad had seen the thing plummet to a fenced in but empty property just beside where he was gathering dried leaves and grass. He had thought nothing of it until the chick jumped on top the low fence.

Long story short, the chick entered my father's compound and soon was pecking away. My father thought to shoo it away but he realised that the chick was very far away from home. So he picked up the chick and took it in.

Today that chick follows my dad around like a puppy. It seems to have some sort of trauma though because it won't step out except my father or another human is outside with it. I don't know but that's how it looks to me.

Do animals get traumatized by the events they experience? Food for thought. I am glad for those chicken though.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Really twisted story and the bit about keeping 2 so they could die together... why? So glad you and your friend were able to save them all from a cruel death! Krista to the rescue!

I love pigs they're so cute! Nice post @krazykrista.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

que bien se debe sentir ser amante de los animales, sentir sus acciones y disfrutar de su ingenuidad y belleza, son tan tiernos y llenos de bondad e incondicional amistad y trato.
hay un dicho; mientras mas conozco a los hombres mas amo a mi mascota

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thanks for your post hopefully post very useful for us ..visit my Steemit @razzi

In not sure how this would be considered useful, thanks for the spam comment....

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

very nice chiken

There are some cultures I am told that do not have a word for animal. The word they use is meat. It's awesome that you guys were able to save them. When I was younger I used to have a guinea hen, eventually we found someone that had chickens and gave it to them. Our house really did not have a backyard so for a guinea hen was in a cage all day. That's why we gave him away.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

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