Hello from TheDogMother - everything for your pet

in animal •  7 years ago 


Hello friends,

I've already told you about myself in my personal blog, which is on my other profile in it and it is written @vassileva . In this account I'll give you tips on everything related to your pets and their growing and health, showing off new collections of clothes and accessories.

I deal with consulting many pet owners in our country. I get information from many different sources related to pet care and my opinion is not biased to most veterinarians.

You can find me also in Instagram: cvety_vassileva

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Nice pic of you and your "baby", Resteemed!

Thank you very much!

French poodles did not originate in France but in Germany ("poodle" comes from the German pudel or pudelhund, meaning "splashing dog"). Some scholars speculate the poodle’s puffs of hair evolved when hunters shaved the poodle for more efficient swimming, while leaving the pom-poms around the major joints to keep them warm.

yes, and I think that even the different breeds have evolved over the years and I agree with this statement