Ulat penggulung daun pisang

in animalia •  7 years ago 

Hay steemit friend this time I will introduce one of the animals, namely: caterpillar banana leaf caterpillar
Maybe in your place this animal there is another name
If you are a bird breeder chirping you may already familiar with the caterpillar banana leaf that I will talk about this, this is because the caterpillar of banana leaf is one of the natural doping that can spur pervorma of birds singing our own or loose, especially when will come contest or race
But not only for birds that can spur pervorma but this animal can also be used to feed catfish to spur growth and catfish will be more delicious.
But this animal also belongs to one of the pests in the banana tree, he will roll up the banana leaf to where he lives, so the leaves of the plant will look bone leave
Like the picture belom. image

That's what I can talk about
So thank you for your baan

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Ka leuh meutigon adun.

Oke terimakasih bro