White-bellied Sea Eagle birds

in animalia •  7 years ago 

Dhlabat Sindhuyegal (scientific name:
Haliaeetus leucogaster) (English: White-bellied Sea Eagle), White Eagle or Only
Sindhuweal Accipitridae (Excipitridae)
A species of Haliaeetus (Halaiyatus) in the family or family is one of the largest species of marine predators. [1] [2] Dhlapat is the name of the scientific name of Sindhuyeagle (Hindi:
Haliaeetus = Marine Eagle; Greek: leucos = white, gaster = stomach). [2] The rest of the world is home to some 51 million 30 thousand square kilometers of space.
[3] Although their number has decreased in the last few decades, they have not reached the critical level. That's why I U. C. N. This species is declared the least risk. [4]
This species is preserved in Wildlife Act of Bangladesh. [2] Dhlapat Sindh-eiague is an international, that is, its no
There is no race. There was not much information about the number of people in the world. However, the number of total adult dhalapet Sindhu's number is 670-6700. [3]
The main beaches of the sea coast of Asia and Oceania is the main tourist of Dhlalpat Sindhudurg. Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka,
Myanmar, Brunei, Malaysia,
Singapore, Indonesia, East Timor,
Papua New Guinea, Australia,
Philippines, Hong Kong, China, Thailand,
Their expansion across Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. [4] In New Zealand they were found to be found in many cases but it has not been proven. [5]
Details....Dhlalapat Sindhaiyeag Gray Pitha and White Deer Huge Bird Its length is 68 centimeters, wings 56.5 cm, lips are 5.1 centimeters, legs 9.5 cm and tail 23.5 cm. [2] Male birds weigh between 2.5 to 3.7 kilograms. Wife feeds are usually 2.8 to 4.2 kilograms. [5] Adult female birds are slightly larger than male birds. Adult bird's back gray and stomach and chest white. Head, neck, wing under the wings and the tail below is white. The tail is gray gray. The wings of the wings reach the end of the tail. During the flight, the black part of the wings and the middle feather is clearly visible. The wings fly in the sky and fly in the sky. Strong lip blacksmith Feet of feet and feet are whitish white The appearance of both male and female birds is similar. Minor brown back brown The color is reddish. Thighs with whitewash white-Pittav Head and neck red-brown. The upper part of the chest is light brown, stomach is reddish-white. Tail white, marginal ribbons brown and overgrown color. [2] By changing the feathers over the years, the mineral eagle caters to adult eagle color.
Dwelling place
Dhlalapat Sindhuaial is basically a sea bird. The best water reservoir is their preferred habitat. They are seen mainly in the coastal areas of the sea. Apart from the shore of the sea, Pararaban, Lagoon and some of the major rivers and sweet river flows in the lake. [2] These are found in estuaries and internal water bodies of the big rivers. They also slip through the grasslands, dense forests and light bush plains. Can move from sea level up to 1500 meters high. [5]
Usually Dhalapat Sindhaghai is seen alone or in pairs. Their co-existence with no other species can be observed.
Danamela Sindhuaiagal, Karnataka,
Eating habits
Dhalapet Sindh-e-Allah waits for hunting for hours in the vast expanse of large estates of the estuarine and coastal forests. They look at the water. If you fly again, you can catch prey. They fly in a circular motion at 20-30 meters above the water. If you find a victim, you can catch him by clutching or climbing the nails of the feet. [6] With more hunting in the water, lower than the soil. They fly by hunting and eat a bunch of trees. If the victims are small then they are eaten by flying. Some food they eat again on the ground. They are often taken away by other predatory birds and birds of prey. They have seen dolphins and people have been traveling in the greed for food poisoning. [7]
Dhalapat Sindhuyegel's diet contains snakes, fish, crabs, rats, other small animals and birds. [2]
Dhalapat Sindh-e-League usually calls for a loud voice: Ka ... During breeding, the wife asks the birds: Kanke .... kank .... kank ...; Male eagle rapidly calls:
Can ... Can ... Can ... Can ..... [2]
Reproduction...Dhlapat Sindhayagal tied for a lifetime. However, when one of the pairs dies, the other quickly finds a partner. [8] From October to January their chief
Breeding season [2] Various variations of breeding seasons are found in place.
They have strong trees in tall trees, bush trees, caves, mountain projections, and even houses built in the earth.
[8] The house is huge and ageless. Generally, the house is made by branches and leaves of trees. A pair of eagles live in the same area for years and sometimes makes the same home repairs to the child. Sometimes the house collapses in excess weight. [1] After forming the nest, lay 2-3 eggs. Egg color is white or faded white. The egg size is 7.7 × 5.3 centimeters. [2] The wife Eagle offers it for most of the time. About six weeks later, the chicks came out of their eggs. [9] Both parents take care of feeding and feeding their children. Snails stay at home for 65-70 days. After three months of learning to fly, the children are with their parents. Four months later, they were driven out by parents and searched for their own neighborhood.
[10] They were reproductive at the age of six. Very few ribs may turn into adult Sindhu. They live for thirty years.2018-05-14_11.30.58.jpg

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