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An adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles (eight kilometers) away.

That’s cool but again I didn’t ask or give a $&@# ;)

Some common houseplants poisonous to cats include: English Ivy, iris, mistletoe, philodendron, and yew.

Well or catfacts if you would of done your research, I don’t live in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 .

At 4 weeks, it is important to play with kittens so that they do not develope a fear of people.

In ancient Egypt, when a family cat died, all family members would shave their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.

The cat who holds the record for the longest non-fatal fall is Andy. He fell from the 16th floor of an apartment building (about 200 ft/.06 km) and survived.

Mohammed loved cats and reportedly his favorite cat, Muezza, was a tabby. Legend says that tabby cats have an “M” for Mohammed on top of their heads because Mohammad would often rest his hand on the cat’s head.