Animal - Heron in the park

in animalphotography •  7 years ago  (edited)

A Heron in the middle of the City Park

On saturday I went for a bike ride through our local park here in Stuttgart. During the weekend the park is really busy.
Lot´s of people doing barbecues or playing games.
But we also got some nice little lakes in the park and this is where i spotted this crane, along with some ducks and other birds.

Ein Reiher mitten im Stadtpark

Am Samstag bin ich hier in Stuttgart zu einer Radtour durch unseren Park gefahren. Am Wochenende ist der Park sehr voll.
Viele Leute grillen oder spielen Spiele hier.
Aber wir haben auch ein paar nette kleine Seen im Park und hier entdeckte ich diesen Kranich zusammen mit einigen Enten und anderen Vögeln.

P7140575 3.jpg

SettingsISO200 42mm f/8 1/200
CameraOlympus OMD EM10 Mark II
LensOLYMPUS M.14-42mm F3.5-5.6 EZ
LocationStuttgart, Germany




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Really great photos @betterthanhome!! You always share awesome stuff :D

thank you so much @still-observer. love your blog as well. where are you from by the way?

Herons are awesome birds. I love to photograph them but they seemed to have migrated away from my area for now.

Ah it´s a Heron hahaha. I wasn´t 100% sure, so I thought it´s a Crane. Have to change this! 😂

Thanks for your comment!

Kranich? Graureiher! :)

haha ja ich weiß, ist bereits korrigiert. Bestimmte Themen sollte ich lieber anderen überlassen! 🙈

Vielen lieben Dank für dein upvote @jaki01

Keine Ursache! :)

Amazing captures, there is something very special and graceful about herons :) I noticed you like taking photos of birds :)

thanks @phortun. Yes, they´re pretty cool. I do, but only the slow ones I can capture. 😁

it's not an animal - it's a bird =)

didn´t know that a bird isn´t a animal! 😉

Very beautiful images @betterthanhome That looks like a lovely area to unwind and relax. So picturesque!

thank you @trudeehunter