Thank you Steemit with your help we are saving lives dogs in the streets (English - Spanish Version)

in animalrescue •  8 years ago  (edited)


Save the more vulnerable, this is a campaign of awareness, rescue, and collaboration that we offer "a hand friend for dogs in the streets" those who are not understood because its sounds have no translation, who sleep outdoors while we sleep in our beds well clothed, which delve garbage looking for what to eat and people mistreat, beating them when they come to their homes to ask for food, that is the life of dogs from the street, the most vulnerable , creatures abandoned by them people but that will change because of now in forward feature with a hand friend it of my person and it's you the community of Steemit.


In my previous post, introduceyourself, I commented on the work I have been doing with the dogs in my neighborhood, based on feed them all day and offer them my support so that they can survive the tough situation that exists in my country Venezuela (with overwhelming inflation where the pet owners, opt to discard their pets on the street by the fact of not being able to buy food or pay their veterinary services, unfortunately the number of pets in the street has increased and the plight of Venezuela's has made them to be indifferent faced with this reality), reason for which take the initiative to help them.

Would you asked your support to continue my work of follow feeding to them dogs of my neighborhood and extend my mission to them neighborhoods near, to the city and to all the country if is possible, is very important that see the value that have all be live and especially them dogs that hunt are animals of company "the best friend of the man" but that make them when the man them abandonment?.


There are many dogs in Venezuela that have fallen into a State of malnutrition and lately I have come to meet a group of people that help me to feed the dogs, among them, that have approached with more enthusiasm to see my work, are 3 beautiful girls who are nearby and have learned the value that have dogs, they will be the leaders of other generation more consciously and with more love for animals , in the neighborhood that with his example encourage cooperation, the love for each animal and each pet and planted awareness for future generations. 


they will know the progress of this campaign, in my next post and now thanks to your upvotos I am extending my work, to close to my neighborhood, here I present a picture.


There are several dogs with malnutrition and health problems, they are feeding thanks to the support of their votes in the last post! Also part of the revenues will be allocated vaccination and veterinary visits.


Special thanks

Thank you for your support to all my followers and friends of Steemit, especially appreciate the particular help people who have believed in my @firstikken and @gtg and @berniesanders @tombstone @pharesim and @steempty for its power vote, to @chitty a great person who with humility and patience to able to guide me.

I have to thank very specially to @enki @roadscape @complexring @rossco99 @steemychicken1 @steempower @cass @james212 @laonie @neoxian @boatymcboatface @hedge-x @lovejoy @rok-sivante @furion @sarita @johnster @caligirl @countryinspired  @metalcrypto86, @happiness @nphacker @fabio @murh @soupernerd @glitterpig @bue @trodgor @somebody @sisterholics @bunny @webdeals @riverhead  and to all of the 224 steemers which gave me your UPVOTE to make this possible. 

This campaign has been all a success and there are several friends that is have attached, to the Brigade of rescue of dogs, that more forward will know, am recruiting people, in them neighborhoods surrounding to begin to feed to them dogs, in grade of malnutrition of them areas nearby, remember that my intention is expand this work to all the city and to all the country , will come a veterinary to do a day of vaccination and castration to my neighborhood and les will send all them details, so follow my steps and the traces of these puppies.


Many more dogs need and are waiting for support that hand friend, that the rescue and you with a UPVOTE can help them, my extension will be as large as Steemit it allows. Vote continues and says, how could collaborate with the dogs in the street?, you have ideas for this campaign? Participate and write me to the private or comments.



Version en Español 

Gracias Steemit, con tu ayuda estamos salvando vidas de perros en las calles

Salvemos a los más Vulnerables, Esta es una campaña de concientización, rescate y colaboración en la que ofrecemos "Una mano amiga para los más vulnerables", aquellos que no son entendidos porque sus sonidos no tienen traducción, los que duermen en la intemperie mientras nosotros dormimos en nuestras camas bien arropados, los que hurgan la basura buscando qué comer y que las personas maltratan, golpeándolos cuando se acercan a sus casas a pedir comida, esa es la vida de los perros de la calle, los más vulnerables, criaturas abandonadas por las personas pero eso cambiará porque de ahora en adelante cuentan con una mano amiga la de mi persona y la de ustedes la comunidad de Steemit. 


En mi anterior post introduceyourself les comenté sobre el trabajo que he venido haciendo con los perros de mi vecindario basado en alimentarlos todos los días y brindarles mi apoyo para que logren sobrevivir a la dura situación que se vive en mi país Venezuela (con una inflación abrumadora donde los dueños de las mascotas optan por botar a sus animales a la calle, por el hecho de no poder comprar alimento, ni poder pagar sus servicios veterinarios, lamentablemente el número de mascotas ha aumentado y la difícil situación del venezolano los ha hecho ser indiferente ante esta realidad) razón por la cual tome la iniciativa de ayudarlos.

Les pedí su apoyo para continuar mi labor de seguir alimentando a los perros de mi vecindario y extender mi misión a los vecindarios cercanos, a la ciudad y a todo el país si es posible, es muy importante que veamos el valor que tiene todo ser vivo y sobre todo los perros que no cazan son animales de compañía "el mejor amigo del hombre" pero ¿que hacen ellos cuando el hombre los abandona? .


 Hay muchos perros en Venezuela que han caído en estado de desnutrición y últimamente he venido reuniendo un grupo de personas que tienden su mano amiga para alimentar a los perritos, entre ellos las que se han acercado con más entusiasmo a ver mi labor son 3 hermosas niñas que son vecinas y han aprendido el valor que tienen los perritos, ellas serán las líderes en las proximas generaciones del vecindario que con su ejemplo fomentan la cooperación, el amor por cada animal y por cada mascota y siembran conciencia para las futuras generaciones.  


Conocerán los avances de esta campaña, en mi próximo post y ahora gracias a su UPVOTE estoy ampliando mi trabajo, a cerca de mi vecindario.


Aquí hay varios perros con desnutrición y con problemas de salud, ellos se están alimentando gracias al apoyo de sus votos en el post pasado! También parte de los ingresos serán destinados a jornadas veterinarias y de vacunación. 


Gracias por su apoyo a todos mis seguidores y amigos de Steemit sobre todo agradezco la ayuda particular a las personas que han creído en mi @firstikken y @gtg y a @bernieSanders @tombstone @pharesim y @steempty  por su poder de voto, a @chitty una gran persona que con humildad y paciencia a sabido guiarme. 

Esta campaña ha sido todo un éxito y hay varios amigos que se han unido a la brigada de rescate de perros que más adelante conocerán, estoy reclutando personas en los vecindarios aledaños para comenzar a alimentar a los perros en grado de desnutrición de las zonas cercanas, recuerden que mi intención es ampliar esta labor a toda la ciudad y a todo el país, vendrá un veterinario a hacer una jornada de vacunación y castración a mi vecindario y les enviaré todos los pormenores para que sigan mis pasos y las huellas de estos perritos. 


 Muchos más perros necesitan y están esperando apoyo esa mano amiga que los rescate y tú con un UPVOTE puedes ayudarlos, mi extensión será tan grande como Steemit lo permita. Vota sigue y comenta como podrías colaborar con los perros de la calle?, tienes ideas para esta campaña? Participa y escríbeme al privado o comenta. GRACIAS STEEMIT, USTEDES NO SOLO CUMPLEN SUEÑOS Y MEJORAN LA CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LAS PERSONAS, USTEDES TAMBIÉN SALVAN VIDAS.  

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Take my weak voice, and my small support.
I'm not a whale, but I can do something without upvote power

the voice not is weak, when the cause is just, many thanks by your donation, by your confidence and your support a great hug

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Bless you for the work you do! I am deeply affected by these stories. The love for all creatures that is exhibited by this work is admirable and deserves all the support in the world!!
Please keep doing this. You have amazing karma!

Thank you for their beautiful words, are motivating, appreciate much your support, thank you

Yes!! Awesome!! The positive effects of Steemit! Lovin it! CONGRATULATIONS betamusic!

Yes, thank you @felipe1alexander people like you make it a reality

you are doing an amazing thing in such sad conditions not only for the dogs, but your people as well - hope you raise lots from this post - my vote is only small, but every bits helps x

Thank you very much, really every vote counts, none is small, thanks for your help @ladypenelope1

Thank you for helping these poor puppies, it breaks my heart when I see hungry dogs on the streets where I travel. You're going great work!

I appreciate very much your help, thank you

is a wonderful work, UPVOTE

thanks so much @smitaaron

I congratulate you, your contribution is admired, continues with this great work, congratulations

thanks so much @gelee

I like your way of how you see the reality of these pets, since every day you support humans as we are like us. A huge hug!

thanks so much @gabohenao

Thank you for everything you're doing for these dogs! <3

It is impossible to find them in that State and not help them, thank you for your UPVOTE

al fin ya empiezan a haber buenos post en español!! Me encanta

gracias @gargon, ;) la comunidad de steemit en español cada día es más grande

This is a great work, thank you for feeding those dogs

Thank you @charliech I do it with much love

Thank you for your excellent contribution, for everything you do for those animals in the streets a big hug, continue with your project, you have me

Thank you for your help and for always commenting a hug

Post like this, which I like to see in steemit

and to my I like show your support to this cause, thank you

you do a great job by dogs, great post

thank you @meryan

People like you make valuable to this community, wonderful your work, congratulations

by the help of people like you, this is possible, real appreciation is for you thank you

good post, that is wonderful as AIDS, your love for animals is only

thanks @amberscott

Que lindo trabajo, gracias por ayudar a los perros. Un abrazo!

gracias a ti por todo lo que me has enseñado, y por todo tu apoyo muchas gracias

This is really valuable work. It is heart breaking to see animals going hungry.

to my also, and I hurt more see them in the streets, thank you for your comment and your vote, a hug

You are doing a great job!!!! I love dogs!

I also, love dogs, thank you very much for your support

Very motivating. I wish I was a whale in my upvote for this. Your contribution to doing good things can only go up. :)

Enjoyed your post. Keep up the great work!

how can help?