Cutest animals on earth the pigmy marmoset! Deaf baby rejected by parents now raised by program to become Ambassador for her species!

in animals •  8 years ago  (edited)

Cuteness overload!

From the Uploader @RareSpeciesConservatoyFoundation
"I apologize in advance for this long post but ask that you all read it. First, thanks to everyone who has shared Ninita's story and helped garner the great coverage she has recieved in the past few days. Second, I must clarify something. Ninita is not a pet. She is a wild pygmy marmoset raised by hand because she was born deaf and abandoned by her parents. We (the Rare Species Conservatory Foundation) do not advocate keeping primates, or ANY exotic wildlife as pets. When I posted this video I knew that there would be many, many people who would see how adorable she is and then instantly want to "own" a pygmy marmoset. And, yes, you can buy them in the pet trade, as DISGUSTING as that is. I did not post this video ligthly. I thought about it and we discussed it at length here at RSCF. I wanted to draw attention to the plight of all primates in the wild and in captivity, and hopefully open a dialogue about this issue. Ninita represents one piece of a very difficult puzzle. Her species is in decline in the wild, and doing horribly in captivity. RSCF is home to the largest successful captive colony of pygmy marmosets in the United States. Our goal is to ensure pygmies remain in protected areas in the wild and that the demand to import them for display, zoos, pets, is eliminated. I was hoping, and still hope, that a national news organization or other such platform might contact us after seeing Ninita, and allow us not only to share her story but also draw attention to the much larger and more important issue--the status of marmosets and other primates in the wild and in captivity. "

And here are some more videos and pics of these amazing little primates that enjoy getting toothbrush backrubs! :)

(I am lucky enough to get to see these guys in person at y local San Diego Zoo which I am very proud of as it is probably the best zoo in the world! NOTHING comes close! Except the WIld Animal Park which is just the same organization run by same people! They have a full on safari park with wild African animals all roaming around this big valley out Escondido! Elephants, hippos, even Condors which they CLONED back out of endangerment! just like John Hammon predicted in Jurassic Park! But back to the marmosets I remember seeing them at the childrens zoo area of the san diego zoo along time ago and I remember being amazed at how small they are when you finally see them in person!

they come from this area of South America ! Ive been to Peru and Ecuador and thats cool to know they are from Ecuador!

" It is listed as Least Concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as it is common across its wide range and not at immediate risk of widespread decline. The biggest threats to the species are habitat loss and the pet trade.[5]"
So thats good to know! We should still ensure their survival in large numbers! Ecuador and Peru both are pretty cool about conserving their rain forests...especially ecuador! You wont have to worry about the rainforest disappearing! LOL! Ive been to the amazon and its fine LOL Trust me the amazon rainforest can take care of itself...LOL and I have heard some good news about how satellites have been able to help enforce brazilian laws and efforts to stop deforestation of the amazon, and its we just need to get all that plastic out of our oceans!

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So cute :3

the face is so human! I wonder if we evolved froom something like this!