List of folks drawn to my residential intersection this week so far, that I've noticed:
• City of Omaha Jeep with flashing yellow lights
• Omaha police SUV
• Our neighborhood ground squirrel (long, brown, nice enough)
• Wild turkeys running in the middle of the street, single file, northbound
That's the past 24 hours, plus Lord only knows what I've missed.
Last fall our 4 corners were updated, which was nice. One sidewalk had buckled from tree roots, so they replaced that plus installed 4 new corners.
Now each corner has an orange rectangle with bumps on a gentle slope to the street. The rectangles are said to keep people from slipping on the incline when it's slick. Personally, I have managed to trip on or near such bumps on several occasions.
Plus, ever since I watched a workman lift a section of sidewalk near the South High football field a few years ago, which revealed a lot of cables & wires underneath it, I have never seen any rectangle on the ground as only a rectangle.
We should have a Sign-In Sheet or Visitors Log on our corner.
Photos: wild turkey footprints.