Movin on up to the East side...

in animals •  7 years ago that deluxe apartment in the sky! haha

I was bored the other night so I thought I would give my little hamster "NUGGET" a little upgrade to her home!

Found a cheap tote for sale at my local Wally World for only 5 bucks! Cut a hole in the top of the lid and inserted the tunnel that is connected to her cage above! Made sure I also cut plenty of holes for ventilation too! Pretty simple change but she sure loves it! lol

Check it out!

Do you have any other ideas for me that I can do?

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Hey there! Thank you very much!

I am not sure but she is cute!

Thank you!

I See Nugget looks Very happy! He will Thanks you for sure. Always good to make your little friends happy.

I get a kick out of watching her run around all over the place and doing funny things! lol