in animals •  6 years ago  (edited)



Some time ago I’ve written about the ‘best’ time to submit a blogpost so you’ll receive worldwide exposure.

I came up with the term 4 o'clocky and I thought this might be a great idea to make a blogpost every day at 4 o'clock local time with this title.

Every day I’ll submit a blogpost about something that keeps me busy, what I have to laugh about, what I think about and so on.... so Lets blog on, here we go!

 This My 4 o’clocky for today... DOG TRIMMING

Our 4 year old dog Charlie has long hair. Like a gordon setter normally has. Only here in the meadow and in the forest it is not really great. I try to brush and trim his hair but its not easy. We have a dog hoose outside Where we wash him and Joe if they are really dirty. But twice a year it is nesseccary to go to the dog trim salon.




Here you see the bathing area. Charlie loves it! He is on a leash so he cannot run away. With All kinds off brushes he is Nice after two hours.
He smells great after Being with Caroline. He wants to go home really bad always and needs to pi really bad


His ears have been cleaned, nailes being trimmed. She shortened the Total fur and looks at his body for ticks, the tiny really awfull bugs that stay in your skin.


Hair, alot off hair! He is New again and the dogperfume is do great. He is groomed and I love it!


On Our wat back he always gets to hang out off the car window. He feels Free I think .


For Little brother Joe is was the first time home alone. He was not amused even a bit scared. But was so glad to See his brother again. He gave alot off dogkisses.


You and your dog have a great day!
And remember :

  "Consistent Actions Create
         Consistent Results"

Lover of Life and L❤️ve in General - @brittandjosie

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Wow! He looks so handsome! And what a sweet treat to receive!

No sweet treat Hihi very nesseccary !! He is to warm with long hair and its not handy with swimming ! How is your furry Bax doing?

He's doing great! He just spent a week at his daycare while we traveled to visit family and he was spoiled while he was there! He is happy to be home now, though!

He looks so good! What do you do to maintain his hair between baths and visits to the salon?

Wash with a lot a dog conditioner and brush him. In the summer we cut the hair short because he is BLACK Thats better