Elang Flores (Spizaetus floris) is one type of raptor (bird of prey) endemic belonging to Indonesia

in animals •  7 years ago  (edited)


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Eagles Flores (Spizaetus floris) is one type of raptor (bird of prey) endemic belonging to Indonesia. Unfortunately eagle flores which is a bird of prey endemic to flores (Nusa Tenggara) is now a raptor's most endangered because its population is not expected to exceed 250 tail so entered in the red list (IUCN Redlist) as Critically Endangered (Critical). Conservation Status and population this far down the javan hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus bartelsi) which is their conservation status Endangered (Threatened).

Eagles flores (Spizaetus floris) originally grouped as a child of types (subspecies) of eagle brontok (Spizaetus cirrhatus) with the scientific name (Spizaetus cirrhatus floris). But starting in 2005, the eagles flores is set as a separate species. And when it did, the eagles flores is a raptor endemic to Nusa Tenggara was awarded the conservation status of Critically Endangered.

Eagle flores has the size of the body being, with the adult body measuring about 55 cm. on the part of the head of fluffy white and sometimes have colored stripes on the brown part of the crown.
The body of the eagle flores brown blackish. While the chest and abdomen raptor endemic to flores this overgrown fur is colored white with a pattern of thin reddish brown. The tail of eagle flores brown that has a dark outline of a number six. While the legs of the birds endemic to this white.

Elang Flores (Spizaetus floris) merupakan salah satu jenis raptor (burung pemangsa) endemik yang dipunyai Indonesia. Sayangnya elang flores yang merupakan burung pemangsa endemik flores (Nusa Tenggara) ini kini menjadi raptor yang paling terancam punah lantaran populasinya diperkirakan tidak melebihi 250 ekor sehingga masuk dalam daftar merah (IUCN Redlist) sebagai Critically Endangered (Kritis). Status konservasi dan jumlah populasi ini jauh di bawah Elang Jawa (Spizaetus bartelsi) yang status konservasinya Endangered (Terancam).

Burung elang flores mempunyai ukuran tubuh yang sedang, dengan tubuh dewasa berukuran sekitar 55 cm. pada bagian kepala berbulu putih dan terkadang mempunyai garis-garis berwarna coklat pada bagian mahkota.
Tubuh elang flores berwarna coklat kehitam-hitaman. Sedangkan dada dan perut raptor endemik flores ini ditumbuhi bulu berwarna putih dengan corak tipis berwarna coklat kemerahan. Ekor elang flores berwarna coklat yang memiliki garis gelap sejumlah enam. Sedangkan kaki burung endemik ini berwarna putih.

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