The Polar Bear is Now Classified as a 'Vulnerable Species'

in animals •  6 years ago  (edited)


Two Happy Polar Bears

The Polar Bear is now classified as a 'Vulnerable Species'.

Who doesn't love to see images of these beautiful, big polar bears? I know I do. I am so sad that they are now under threat because of their declining habitat.

Climate change is to blame as the ice caps melt due to global warming.

The Polar Bear population is declining in several areas, although there has been a slight increase in another.


Ali Express

The main diet of polar bears are seals. The bears wait at the edge of the ice to hunt their prey. With melting ice, this is becoming harder and harder for them to achieve.

Although polar bear hunting has been tackled with controls and quotas, there is little that can be done short term about global warming.

It's heartbreaking to think these gorgeous bears are yet another victim of man's selfish energy cravings.

Soon it may well be a case of 'dead as a dodo' for the polar bear.

Both images are from Google 'free to use and share'.

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This is a sad situation indeed, all that I can do is pray for there welfare, and our own welfare, and do my part to help keep the planet clean, not only for our generation, but the next generation after mine. It’s very good to pass the message on to our children and grandchildren to help keep our planet clean and safe as well. And I believe it’s greatly important to educate the public, as your doing here, about how important it is to keep pollution down, because these amazing creatures are becoming extinct from it. Not only are all these animals in danger, but everything that is living, including ourself s, can become extinct. Pollution can cause disease, and all kinds of health problems to the human body, coming from water and air. As for global warming, only God can change that, and I have great faith in Him! Bless you dear Dee for the post and your vital message that comes with it, thank you so much for sharing!

Thank you for your support and for reading this post. I feel so sad too :(

Nice blog

Thank you.