The bee is a flying insect, popular for making a very delicious honey. Consumed approximately in the whole world. They correspond to the order Hymenoptera and the Apoidea family. Although the bee is not from a single specimen, but the genus covers about 20,000 species, structured in 9 families, so not all of them elaborate honey. The reason for its coloring, is to differentiate from other species, but the most popular are black with yellow stripes which are different in each species. In general, bees have a long structure called proboscis, with which they can ingest the nectar of flowers. In the males, the antennas are composed of 13 segments and in females this composition is 12. All bees have 2 pairs of wings; the rear pair is the smallest. In certain the wings are so small that they make impossible to the bee the flight, but that does not mean that they are devoid.
The bees insects exceptional, I love bees since I was a child, I was attracted to the stories of bees, how to draw a bee, for a child it is fun and very interesting to see a bee flying from flower to flower.
Now I ask Do you like Bees? and when was the last time you saw one? It was certainly a long time ago. Why? They could have disappeared. Unfortunately, it does not matter to many people whether this is bad news or not. Before you should consider whether bees are important.
Bees are involved in the pollination of several plants so they are at an important base in the food chain. That's why pollination is very important.
Since the last century, there has been a dramatic reduction in wild bees, and almost completely in the United States. In the same way beekeeping has been affected and in general, the decline has been caused by the loss of natural habitat due to the devastation of forests and the construction of urbanisms, and thus the use of pesticides. In 2010 several scientists realized that bees died from a virus in their DNA, and a fungus present in all colonies.
What we do know is that the result is our fault. Humans have developed tools and machines to buy insurance, but to what extent is it positive? The machines can cut hundreds of trees in a day, but the trees do not grow in a day, if it continues as it is, there is no doubt that the tree will end someday.
It's the same as saying of a bee, it disappears if you do not do something. It is also an important goal to help all the bees, a small action that I think is useful, if we cooperate together, we will have a wonderful result.
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Well my dear friends in this opportunity I'll share another blog with you saying goodbye soon.